Инструкции Пользователя для AudioControl The Epicenter® Plus by AudioControl

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page 8
The Magic Of The Epicenter Bass Restoration Technology
You may ask yourself, “Why would I need to restore bass? Where did it go?  
Who took it and more importantly, “How do I get it back?”.  The truth is that 
when music is recorded in a studio, low frequency information can be “mixed” 
down or filtered out.  It’s not that recording engineers are out to get you; in fact 
they are looking out for your best interests and are concerned that many speaker 
systems cannot handle “truly” low bass information. 
Portable Audio Owners Rejoice!
If you use a portable audio player like an iPod or other MP3 player then 
you will really love the Bass Restoration characteristics of The Epicenter Plus.  
When you download songs and rip or “compress” them, you may notice that 
your bass sounds rather thin, even on tiny ear buds.  That’s because when you 
are removing “bits” and ripping songs into smaller files, the bass response ends 
up suffering.
The unique bass restoration circuit inside The Epicenter Plus looks at the low 
frequency harmonics that are in upper frequencies and uses them to recreate the 
lower bass notes that have been rolled off or removed. We could tell you more 
but what really matters is that The Epicenter Plus technology gives you deep, 
body shuddering, heart-stopping bass. 
Figure 4: Bass Restoration Process
Installing The Epicenter Plus
Up to this point everything you have read has served to educate you on the 
operations of The Epicenter Plus.  We are sure that you are chomping at the bit 
to install The Epicenter Plus so we recommend you read the following sections 
very carefully.