Справочник Пользователя для Bird Technologies Group 26075

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Bird Technologies
Manual 7-9598-2.1
(Rough Draft)
          Page 18
booster branch and that reduction may compro-
mise communications for weaker signals in the
If a large portion of the bar graph is lit more than
occasionally, it is advised that the gain of that
branch be reduced or re-orient the antenna for bet-
ter isolation.
The power Subsystem Status reports on the cur-
rent power source operating the booster, either AC
or Battery Backup. In addition, battery status infor-
mation is displayed. This information is supplied by
the battery backup unit.
RF Configuration Submenu
The RF Configuration submenu screen is shown in
Figure 13. Like the system status screen it is bro-
ken into two identical graphical boxes, one for the
uplink branch and one for the downlink branch. The
user is allowed to adjust the maximum gain and the
desired output level. The maximum gain is adjust-
able from 0 to 80 dB and the desired gain is adjust-
able from -50 to 30 dBm.
In addition to the branch adjustments this submenu
screen will also allow the user to enable or disable
AC power operation. This is accomplished by click-
ing on the box next to the label “Disable/Enable
AC”. Note that any changes made on this submenu
screen will not become active until the user clicks
on the SAVE button. If a battery backup system is
connected to the booster the user should place a
check mark in the appropriate battery is connected
box. Please note that if there is not a batter y
backup connected to the booster and the AC oper-
ation is disabled, then on air signals will not pass
through the booster in either branch.
On the right side of the submenu screen under the
Status LED icon there is a check box for turning on
advanced configuration items. Currently this
includes OLC adjustments for Hold Time and
Decay Time. OLC Hold Time is adjustable from 0.1
to 5 seconds and determines the amount of time
that OLC will be applied (once activated by a
strong input signal) before OLC decay begins. OLC
decay begins after the user specified hold time is
expired. Decay Time can be adjusted between 0.1
to 1 seconds. Decay time will determine how long it
takes for the applied OLC to fade from on to off.
Notification Configuration Submenu
This submenu allows the user to define how alarm
and status notifications are passed onto the cus-
tomer using an SNMP format. Simple Network
Management Protocol (SNMP) is an Internet-stan-
dard protocol for managing devices on IP net-
works. The SNMP feature is designed to provide
reliable internet notification of an alarm occurrence
or a change in operational status in the booster. In
order to configure the booster to send SNMP mes-
sages (called traps) to a destination device, such
as your computer, the following values need to be
entered into the booster; System location, the IP
address of the destination computer, Authentica-
tion type, User name, Password, and Encryption
type, and the Encryption passphrase. To enter
these values into the booster click on the ADD
SERVER button shown on the Notification sub-
menu screen. Each time the button is selected an
entry row will be created. An example of the SNMP
configuration table is shown in Figure 14.
The System location is a user defined string which
will be returned with every trap that is generated
and can assist the user in identifying which unit is
sending the trap message. Destination IP
Figure 13: RF Configuration submenu screen.