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Panorama™ Operating Instructions
4 - 15
Arrhythmia and ST Analysis
Arrhythmia Alarms
• Causes a red V-Fib text message to display in the Patient Status line.
Ventricular Tachycardia (V-Tach) Alarm
V-Tach alarm is activated at the Panorama Central Station as follows:
• The V-Tach lethal arrhythmia alarm is activated when the configured number of 
consecutive PVCs is reached at a rate equal to or greater than the V-Tach threshold. 
The range of the V-Tach rate is 100 to 180 beats. The range of the V-Tach threshold is 
3-15 bpm.
A V-Tach alarm is a Priority 1 alarm event that: 
• Produces the Alarm Priority 1 visual and audio alarm indicators once the condition is 
• Causes a red V-Tach text message to display in the Patient Status line.
Non-Lethal Arrhythmia Alarms
A Non-Lethal Arrhythmia is an arrhythmia that is most likely not life threatening to a patient. 
Bigeminy, Bradycardia, Couplet, Irregular Heart Rate, Pause, PVC, Run, Trigeminy, and 
Ventricular Rhythm (V-Rhythm) alarms are non-lethal arrhythmia alarms, and depending on 
the alarm, default to Alarm Priority 2 or 3 (except for Bradycardia).
Non-Lethal arrhythmia alarms are not latched alarms and 
can be acknowledged at anytime.
Bigeminy Alarm
The Bigeminy alarm is activated at the Panorama Central Station when three or more 
cycles of one PVC coupled to one normal beat are detected. 
The Bigeminy alarm has priority settings of 23, and OFF. When the setting is: 
• Set  to  2, the Panorama Central Station produces an Alarm Priority 2 sound once the 
condition is identified. 
• Set  to  3, the Panorama Central Station produces an Alarm Priority 3 sound once the 
condition is identified.
• Set  to  OFF, the Panorama Central Station does not produce any audio alarm indicators 
for the Bigeminy alarm condition.
• The Bigeminy alarm causes a yellow Bigeminy text message to display in the Patient 
Status line.
Bradycardia (Brady) Alarm 
The Brady alarm is activated at the Panorama Central Station when the heart rate falls to a 
value 10% lower than the user selected value for low heart rate alarm.
The Bradycardia alarm is not available when using a 
View 12
The Brady alarm will not be suspended when the Suspend 
Non-Lethals sidebar button is selected.