Справочник Пользователя для Wiley Professional Windows Phone 7 Application Development 978-0-470-89166-7

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 In February 2010 at the Mobile World Congress, Microsoft unveiled the Windows Phone 7 series, 
a new - look mobile operating system featuring hard edges, full bleed pages, and sharp typography. 
Code - named  Metro , the new look - and - feel is more akin to an immersive experience than to a 
collection of mobile applications. It appears that Microsoft has taken several leaves out of the 
playbooks of other mobile platforms, while still innovating and delivering on their own set of values 
and practices. 
 Before launching into how you can get started building applications for Windows Phone, it is 
important to understand the Metro user experience. This will help you build applications that not 
only run on a Windows Phone but also integrate into the mobile experience.  
 Traditionally, Windows Mobile has had the stigma attached to it that it is slow and unreliable. This 
had little to do with the underlying operating system, but rather the other stakeholders involved in 
getting a device into market. Manufacturers, telecommunication companies, application developers, 
and other third parties all contribute to what comes prepackaged on a device. Each one of these 
parties builds or adds features that they think will benefi t the user. Unfortunately, quite often 
these features either degrade the overall experience  —  for example, hogging precious device 
resources  —  or don ’ t play well with other aspects of the phone. This has led to an overall negative 
impression of the Windows Mobile platform as a whole. 
 Microsoft took the opportunity with Windows Phone to restructure the ecosystem in which devices 
operate. Although they haven ’ t been so arrogant as to come out with the  Microsoft Phone , which 
many were anticipating, they have put some checks and balances in place to ensure that users receive 
an amazing experience, and, furthermore, that this experience is uniform throughout the phone and 
for the duration of the phone ’ s life. 
 It all starts with the hardware. Previously Microsoft has been overly optimistic in specifying the 
minimum specifi cations for Windows Mobile. This resulted in many devices that were woefully 
underpowered, and although this kept the price point low, the devices were frustratingly slow and 
unresponsive to use. Going forward, Microsoft has defi ned a much higher set of minimum hardware 
requirements for Windows Phone, which includes a 1 - GHz processor and support for graphics 
hardware acceleration. When you look at the frameworks that are to be used to develop applications 
and games for this platform, it is very evident why such high hardware specifi cations are required. 
 In addition to having graphics acceleration, Windows Phone devices will appear to be highly 
responsive because of the use of capacitance screens. This, in turn, lends itself to supporting 
multi - touch. The net effect is that users will interact with a Windows Phone device using gestures 
such as tap, pinch, and swipe with their fi ngers, rather than the more traditional mechanism of 
using a stylus. 
 There is currently no intention to support a non - touch - screen Windows Phone device. However, 
device manufacturers will still be able to differentiate their devices through different device 
ergonomics and the optional inclusion of a hardware keyboard. A hardware keyboard will 
complement the Windows Phone experience, making it easier to enter text rapidly. This is 
particularly useful for e - mail, messaging, and annotating documents on the road. 
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