Справочник Пользователя для Wiley 3D for iPhone Apps with Blender and SIO2 978-0-470-57492-8

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Setting Up Your Development Environment 
that corresponds to this book (as well as the tutorials used in this book) is available for 
download at the official SIO2 website: 
As mentioned previously, SIO2 is available for free and its use is unrestricted except 
for one thing: If you use SIO2 to make a game or app available, you are asked to include 
the SIO2 splash screen at the start of the app. To bypass this restriction and use SIO2 
without the splash screen, you are asked to purchase an inexpensive per-game Indie 
Certificate. The SIO2 Indie Certificate also gives you access to email technical support. 
SIO2 is not proprietary software, but purchasing the Indie Certificate is a big part of what 
keeps the project going, so I highly recommend doing so for any serious SIO2 projects. 
For now, though, simply download the ZIP file in the link and unzip it into a convenient 
location. I’ll refer to this location from now on as your SIO2_SDK directory.
Setting Up Your Development Environment
Once you’ve downloaded the software and followed the steps for installing it, you can test 
your environment to make sure everything is working. In the following sections, you’ll 
get your first look at the development environment that you’ll become very familiar with 
over the course of the rest of the book. Building SIO2 projects in Xcode should be simple 
and straightforward, but if you’re new to Xcode, there are a few things you might miss. If 
you hit any snags, skip forward to the troubleshooting section at the end of the chapter.
Building the SIO2 Template in Xcode
When you open your SIO2_SDK directory, you’ll see a collection of directories. These 
include the code for the SIO2 engine, documentation of the API and 
 file format, a 
collection of tutorials in the form of sample projects, supplementary model and texture 
data for the tutorial projects, and a template for creating new projects. For the purposes 
of this book, you’ll make very heavy use of the template. In fact, the template project 
will be the starting point for everything you do with SIO2, so it is a good idea to keep a 
backup copy of the entire directory. Right now you’re not going to make any changes to 
the template—you’re only going to build an executable from it to make sure your devel-
opment environment is properly set up—so it is not necessary to make a copy.
Open the 
 directory and take a look at what’s inside. You should see the direc-
tory listing shown in Figure 1.2.
Everything that your iPhone app needs resides in this folder. Some of the suffixes are 
probably familiar to you, but others may not be. Now’s not the time to worry about these 
though. Any code files you need will be dealt with in the Xcode environment. So the only 
file you really need to bother with here is 
. As you might have guessed 
from the suffix, this file is an Xcode project file. You’ll be working a lot with files like these.
 to open the project in Xcode. The first time you do 
this, you should see a window something like the one shown in Figure 1.3.
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