Техническая Спецификация для Atmel XMEGA-A1 Xplained Evaluation Board ATAVRXPLAIN ATAVRXPLAIN

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The preprogrammed AT90USB1287 firmware offers features such as a bootloader for 
self-programming and a UART-to-USB gateway. 
3.2 Power supply 
The kit is powered from USB which leaves two options to power it: Either connects 
the kit to a PC through an USB cable, or to a 5V USB power supply (AC/DC adapter). 
3.3 Measuring the XMEGA power consumption 
As part of an evaluation of the ATxmega128A1 it can be of interest to measure its 
power consumption. The R105 resistor (0 Ohm) is the only connection point between 
the XMEGA power plane (the V_XM net) and common 3.3V supply of the board (the 
V3P3 net). By replacing the R105 shunt resistor with a higher value resistor it is 
possible to determine the current consumption of the ATxmega128A1. 
3.4 Programming the XMEGA through the USB gateway 
Programming of the ATxmega128A1 through the USB is not supported in the 
preliminary release. 
3.5 Communication through UART-to-USB gateway 
The XMEGA’s UARTC0 is connected to a software UART on the AT90USB1287. The 
AT90USB1287 UART is communicating at 9600 baud, using one start bit, eight data 
bits, one stop bit and no parity. 
When the AT90USB1287 device is enumerated (connected to a PC) the data 
transmitted from the XMEGA is passed on to a (virtual) COM port. This means that it 
is possible to use a terminal program to receive the transmitted data on a PC. 
Similarly data transmitted from the PC COM port is passed on to the XMEGA UART 
through the gateway. 
If the USB device is not enumerated, e.g. powering the kit from an USB supply 
adapter, the AT90USB1287 device’s UART will operate in loop back mode (echo 
back everything it receives).  
4 Connectors 
The Xplain kit has four 10-pin 100mill headers. Two are used for programming the 
ATxmega128A1 and AT90USB1287, and two are to access spare analog and digital 
pins on the XMEGA (expansion headers). 
4.1 Programming headers 
The XMEGA can be programmed and debugged by connecting an external 
programming/debugging tool to the “JTAG & PDI XMEGA” pin header (J100). The pin 
header is having a standard JTAG programmer pinout (refer to online help in AVR 
), and tools like the JTAGICE mkII or the AVR ONE! can thus be connected 
directly to the header. If it is desired to use PDI programming/debugging an adapter 
must be used.