Техническая Спецификация для Atmel SAM4S Xplained Pro Starter and Evaluation Kit ATSAM4S-XPRO ATSAM4S-XPRO

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Input/Output Lines
The SAM4S has several kinds of input/output (I/O) lines such as general purpose I/Os (GPIO) and system I/Os. 
GPIOs can have alternate functionality due to multiplexing capabilities of the PIO controllers. The same PIO line 
can be used whether in I/O mode or by the multiplexed peripheral. System I/Os include pins such as test pins, 
oscillators, erase or analog inputs.
General Purpose I/O Lines
GPIO Lines are managed by PIO controllers. All I/Os have several input or output modes such as pull-up or pull-
down, input Schmitt triggers, multi-drive (open-drain), glitch filters, debouncing or input change interrupt. 
Programming of these modes is performed independently for each I/O line through the PIO controller user 
interface. For more details, refer to the product “PIO Controller” section.
Some GPIOs can have alternate function as analog input. When the GPIO is set in analog mode, all digital 
features of the I/O are disabled.
The input/output buffers of the PIO lines are supplied through VDDIO power supply rail.
The SAM4S embeds high-speed pads able to handle up to 70 MHz for HSMCI (MCK/2), 70 MHz for SPI clock 
lines and 46 MHz on other lines. See the AC Characteristics section of the electrical characteristics. Typical pull-up 
and pull-down value is 100 kΩ for all I/Os.
Each I/O line also embeds an ODT (On-Die Termination), (see 
 below). It consists of an internal series 
resistor termination scheme for impedance matching between the driver output (SAM4S) and the PCB trace 
impedance preventing signal reflection. The series resistor helps to reduce IOs switching current (di/dt) thereby 
reducing in turn, EMI. It also decreases overshoot and undershoot (ringing) due to inductance of interconnect 
between devices or between boards. In conclusion ODT helps diminish signal integrity issues.
Figure 6-1.
On-Die Termination
System I/O Lines
System I/O lines are pins used by oscillators, test mode, reset and JTAG. 
 provides the SAM4S system 
I/O lines shared with PIO lines.
These pins are software configurable as general-purpose I/O or system pins. At startup, the default function of 
these pins is always used. 
Notes: 1. If PB12 is used as PIO input in user applications, a low level must be ensured at startup to prevent Flash erase before the 
user application sets PB12 into PIO mode, 
2. Refer to the section “Slow Clock Generator” of the “Supply Controller (SUPC)”.
3. Refer to the section “3 to 20 MHZ Crystal Oscillator” of the “Power Management Controller (PMC)”.
PCB Trace
Z0 ~ 50 Ohms
SAM4 Driver with
Zout ~ 10 Ohms
Z0 ~ Zout + Rodt
36 Ohms Typ.