Техническая Спецификация для Atmel SAM4S Xplained Pro Starter and Evaluation Kit ATSAM4S-XPRO ATSAM4S-XPRO

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terms of memory size for the buffers, but it provides a very effective means to exchange data with several 
peripherals without any intervention of the processor.
Transfer Size
Depending on the data size to transmit, from 8 to 16 bits, the PDC manages automatically the type of pointer size 
it has to point to. The PDC performs the following transfer, depending on the mode and number of bits per data.
Fixed mode:
8-bit data:
1-Byte transfer, PDC pointer address = address + 1 byte,
PDC counter = counter - 1
8-bit to 16-bit data:
2-Byte transfer. n-bit data transfer with don’t care data (MSB) filled with 0’s,
PDC pointer address = address + 2 bytes,
PDC counter = counter - 1
Variable mode:
In Variable mode, PDC pointer address = address +4 bytes and PDC counter = counter - 1 for 8 to 16-
bit transfer size. 
When using the PDC, the TDRE and RDRF flags are handled by the PDC. The user’s application 
does not have to check these bits. Only End of RX Buffer (ENDRX), End of TX Buffer (ENDTX), Buffer 
Full (RXBUFF), TX Buffer Empty (TXBUFE) are significant. For further details about the Peripheral 
DMA Controller and user interface, refer to the PDC section of the product datasheet. Peripheral Chip Select Decoding
The user can program the SPI to operate with up to 15 slave peripherals by decoding the four chip select lines, 
NPCS0 to NPCS3 with an external decoder/demultiplexer (refer to 
). This can be enabled by writing 
the PCSDEC bit to 1 in SPI_MR. 
When operating without decoding, the SPI makes sure that in any case only one chip select line is activated, i.e., 
one NPCS line driven low at a time. If two bits are defined low in a PCS field, only the lowest numbered chip select 
is driven low. 
When operating with decoding, the SPI directly outputs the value defined by the PCS field on the NPCS lines of 
either SPI_MR or SPI_TDR (depending on PS).
As the SPI sets a default value of 0xF on the chip select lines (i.e. all chip select lines at 1) when not processing 
any transfer, only 15 peripherals can be decoded.
The SPI has only four Chip Select registers. As a result, when external decoding is activated, each NPCS chip 
select defines the characteristics of up to four peripherals. As an example, SPI_CRS0 defines the characteristics 
of the externally decoded peripherals 0 to 3, corresponding to the PCS values 0x0 to 0x3. Consequently, the user 
has to make sure to connect compatible peripherals on the decoded chip select lines 0 to 3, 4 to 7, 8 to 11 and 12 
 shows this type of implementation.
If the CSAAT bit is used, with or without the PDC, the Mode Fault detection for NPCS0 line must be disabled. This 
is not required for all other chip select lines since mode fault detection is only on NPCS0.