Справочник Пользователя для Magnavox Trigger Happy

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Trigger Happy 
the champion now of human imagination and sexuality, 
defeats the tyrannical god and casts him forever into 
the abyss. For the moment, man’s inheritance is safe. 
For what had Prometheus done in the first place? 
He had given humans a power-up. 
Burn this 
The gift of fire. Like most children, I used to find 
battery-powered flashlights fascinating toys. I’d 
smuggle a flashlight into bed and turn it on after lights 
out, beaming whirling patterns onto the ceiling for what 
seemed like hours. The quality of light just before the 
batteries ran out was my favorite: a barely visible 
golden specter, loopingly scrawling its message in a 
hieroglyphic tongue. It was a mystery. The fiery glow 
of a tungsten filament powered by a couple of chunks 
of lead and acid somehow translated into this sensuous 
The ancient Chinese, we are told, first invented 
fireworks—made fire a plaything. For centuries, 
fireeaters traveled with circuses, making dragonish art 
from the destructive gift. To this day they give a 
thrillingly organic flavor even to such celebrations of 
technology-dependent entertainment as Manumission,