Справочник Пользователя для Follett VERSION 6.00

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Circulation Desk
becomes available. Circulation Desk allows you to extend the expiration date of a
hold at any time.
A brief introduction to reserves
Circulation Desk allows you to place a reserve for a patron. A reserve is basically
a hold for a specific copy for a specific future date. The following scenarios
provide examples for the use of a reserve:
A student wants to have a certain book for a class presentation two weeks
from now. Her library has enabled Patron Empowerment so she logs on to
her OPAC, locates the item, and places a reserve for the copy she wants. Two
weeks later, she returns to pick up the copy.
Another patron, a faculty member, would like you to set aside several books
he needs for his lesson plan in two months. To ensure that the teacher gets
the items he wants, you create reserves for him. Two months later, the teacher
retrieves the copies that have circulated in the interim.
You can place a reserve on copies that are available, on hold, checked out, at the
bindery, or loaned out. You cannot place a reserve on copies that are missing, lost
or temporary, or have a circulation type of *NC. You can place a reserve for any
date in the future that the library is open.
When reserving an item, you specify a copy and the date that the patron wants
the item. The copy is then reserved for the length of the loan period. Note that the
shortest reserve period is one day; items with an hourly loan period would use
this minimum reserve period.
If a patron reserves an item for March 18th, and the loan period is 10
days (2 weeks), the reserve period is March 18-April 1.
Readying reserves
To ensure that the reserved item is ready for pickup, you select, in System Setup
| Setup | Circulation | Holds, the number of pre-reserve processing days that
you need. If you set it to, say 
, then two days before a reserve date, Circulation
Desk performs the following actions:

The Daily Holds Processing changes the hold status of the reserved item to
Pending. After further processing, if the item is available, the hold status
changes to Ready and its copy status becomes On Hold.

The Daily Holds Processing exception report lists the reserved items that are
processed each day. You have those two days to locate the copies, place them
on the hold shelf, and remind the patrons to pick them up. For more
information, see Interpreting the Daily Holds Processing exception report"
on page 171.
Circulating reserves
Because the copy status of a reserved item does not change until the processing
date, it is available for circulation until then. If another patron checks out a