Справочник Пользователя для Delta Tau GEO BRICK LV

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Turbo PMAC User Manual 
Basic Motor Setup 
If not getting the proper frequency range, double check the setting of I7m03 that sets the PFMCLK 
frequency.  Also check the value of Ixx69 that determines the maximum frequency (O100 frequency) at 
this PFMCLK frequency. 
Executing the Closed-Loop Test 
Next, close the loop with a J/ command.  The reported position should hold steady, and the reported 
velocity should be zero.  Set up yotheur jogging I-variables Ixx19 to Ixx22 to get the speeds and 
accelerations needed.  Issue a J+ command; count up at the rate specified by Ixx22 (watch the units).  
Issue a J- command; count down at this same rate. 
Now that what PMAC considers to be closed-loop moves are being executed, the servo loop gain 
parameters are important.  The easiest way to monitor performance is with the position window in the 
PMAC Executive Program, configured to display position, velocity, and following error for the current 
motor.  More detailed analysis can be done with the data gathering plots. 
Troubleshooting the Closed-Loop Test 
When troubleshooting these jogging moves, it is important to note what PMAC thinks the motor is doing 
based on the pulse feedback compared to what the motor is actually doing.  For example, if the motor has 
stopped, but you see through the position window that PMAC keeps counting position, the motor has 
probably stalled.  Possibilities here include excessive velocity command, excessive load, and resonance 
problems.  However, if PMAC is also reporting a stop, something in the PMAC simulated loop has failed, 
probably causing a shutdown on excessive following error.  The main possibilities here are values set too 
low for Ixx30 proportional gain, Ixx32 velocity feedforward, or Ixx69 output limit.