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Turbo PMAC User Manual 
Setting Up Turbo PMAC-Based Commutation and/or Current Loop 
PWM Local Command Output Addresses (Y-registers) 
IC# - Chan# 
0 - 1 
0 - 2 
0 - 3 
0 - 4 
1 - 1 
1 - 2 
1 - 3 
1 - 4 
$078002 $07800A $078012 $07801A $078102 $07810A $078112 $07811A 
IC# - Chan# 
2 - 1 
2 - 2 
2 - 3 
2 - 4 
3 - 1 
3 - 2 
3 - 3 
3 - 4 
$078202 $07820A $078212 $07821A $078302 $07830A $078312 $07831A 
IC# - Chan# 
4 - 1 
4 - 2 
4 - 3 
4 - 4 
5 - 1 
5 - 2 
5 - 3 
5 - 4 
$079202 $07920A $079212 $07921A $079302 $07930A $079312 $07931A 
IC# - Chan# 
6 - 1 
6 - 2 
6 - 3 
6 - 4 
7 - 1 
7 - 2 
7 - 3 
7 - 4 
$07A202 $07A20A $07A212 $07A21A $07A302 $07A30A $07A312 $07A31A 
IC# - Chan# 
8 - 1 
8 - 2 
8 - 3 
8 - 4 
9 - 1 
9 - 2 
9 - 3 
9 - 4 
$07B202 $07B20A $07B212 $07B21A $07B302 $07B30A $07B312 $07B31A 
Servo ICs 0 and 1 are on the Turbo PMAC2 itself or on Acc-2E 3U-format stack boards. 
Servo ICs 2 – 9 are on Acc-24x2 or Acc-51E boards. 
Channels 1 – 4 on odd-numbered Servo ICs are Channels 5 – 8 on dual-Servo-IC boards. 
When performing direct PWM control over the MACRO ring, Ixx02 points to the first (Register 0) of a 
set of three MACRO output registers (0, 1, and 2) for the MACRO IC and the node used.  The values 
used in the MACRO Type 1 protocol expected by Delta Tau MACRO products are: 
PWM MACRO Command Output Addresses (Y-registers) 
IC# - Node# 
0 - 0 
0 - 1 
0 - 4 
0 - 5 
0 - 8 
0 - 9 
0 - 12 
0 - 13 
$078420 $078424 $078428 $07842C $078430 $078434 $078438 $07843C 
IC# - Node# 
1 - 0 
1 - 1 
1 - 4 
1 - 5 
1 - 8 
1 - 9 
1 - 12 
1 - 13 
$079420 $079424 $079428 $07942C $079430 $079434 $079438 $07943C 
IC# - Node# 
2 - 0 
2 - 1 
2 - 4 
2 - 5 
2 - 8 
2 - 9 
2 - 12 
2 - 13 
$07A420 $07A424 $07A428 $07A42C $07A430 $07A434 $07A438 $07A43C 
IC# - Node# 
3 - 0 
3 - 1 
3 - 4 
3 - 5 
3 - 8 
3 - 9 
3 - 12 
3 - 13 
$07B420 $07B424 $07B428 $07B42C $07B430 $07B434 $07B438 $07B43C 
If using the older Type 0 MACRO protocol, add 1 to the value shown in the above table (e.g. $078420 
becomes $078421). 
Current Feedback Address: Ixx82 
Ixx82 instructs Turbo PMAC where to look for its current feedback values for Motor xx.  It also acts as 
the variable that tells Turbo PMAC whether or not to perform current-loop closure itself.  If Ixx82=0 (the 
default), Turbo PMAC will not execute the current loop for Motor xx; any current loop must be executed 
in the amplifier.  If Ixx82>0, Turbo PMAC will look at the Y-register whose address is specified by 
Ixx82, and for a multi-phase motor, the next lower addressed register, to get the current feedback 
information for its current loop.   
Usually, the registers specified are the serial ADC shift registers in Turbo PMAC’s Servo IC or the 
matching registers in a MACRO IC that have brought the current information over the ring.  The actual 
address specified is that of the ADC B register; Turbo PMAC then automatically reads from the A 
register as well.  Typically, the values used when commanding the axes directly (not over the MACRO 
ring) are: 
On-Board ADC Current-Feedback Addresses (Y-registers) 
IC# - Chan# 
0 - 1 
0 - 2 
0 - 3 
0 - 4 
1 - 1 
1 - 2 
1 - 3 
1 - 4 
$078006 $07800E $078016 $07801E $078106 $07810E $078116 $07811E 
IC# - Chan# 
2 - 1 
2 - 2 
2 - 3 
2 - 4 
3 - 1 
3 - 2 
3 - 3 
3 - 4 
$078206 $07820E $078216 $07821E $078306 $07830E $078316 $07831E 
IC# - Chan# 
4 - 1 
4 - 2 
4 - 3 
4 - 4 
5 - 1 
5 - 2 
5 - 3 
5 - 4 
$079206 $07920E $079216 $07921E $079306 $07930E $079316 $07931E 
IC# - Chan# 
6 - 1 
6 - 2 
6 - 3 
6 - 4 
7 - 1 
7 - 2 
7 - 3 
7 - 4 
$07A206 $07A20E $07A216 $07A21E $07A306 $07A30E $07A316 $07A31E 
IC# - Chan# 
8 - 1 
8 - 2 
8 - 3 
8 - 4 
9 - 1 
9 - 2 
9 - 3 
9 - 4 
$07B206 $07B20E $07B216 $07B21E $07B306 $07B30E $07B316 $07B31E 
Servo ICs 0 and 1 are on the Turbo PMAC2 itself or on Acc-2E 3U-format stack boards.