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Turbo PMAC User Manual 
Turbo PMAC Family Overview 
The Turbo PMAC family of controllers is the newest generation of motion and machine controllers from 
Delta Tau Data Systems.  It is available in a wide variety of configurations, permitting the user to 
optimize the controller hardware and software to particular application needs.  This section provides a 
brief overview of the Turbo PMAC structure; all items mentioned here are covered in more detail 
elsewhere in the User Manual or in related reference manuals. 
Turbo PMAC vs. Non-Turbo PMAC 
The Turbo PMAC family of controllers is the next generation after the original PMAC family of 
controllers, differing only in having a faster and more powerful CPU section, but able to maintain the 
same interface circuitry.  Indeed, in some configurations it is possible to remove the old non-Turbo 
PMAC CPU board from a controller and install the Turbo PMAC CPU as a field upgrade. 
The Turbo PMAC family retains the same capabilities and programming styles as the original PMAC 
family, but adds important new capabilities as well.  These new capabilities are fully listed in a section of 
the Software Reference manual, and detailed in the appropriate sections of the User Manual and Software 
Reference; highlights are listed here: 
32-motor capability vs. 8-motor 
16-coordinate-system capability vs. 8-coordinate-system 
Forward and inverse kinematic algorithms 
Standard multi-move lookahead algorithms 
32,768 user variables vs. 4096 
Simultaneous communication over multiple ports 
Turbo PMAC vs. Turbo PMAC2 
As with the original PMAC family, Turbo PMACs can come as Turbo PMAC or Turbo PMAC2 
controllers.  The difference is due to the nature of the “core” servo-interface ICs and in a few aspects of 
the firmware used to set them up.  Fundamentally, PMAC2-style Servo ICs permit programmable 
configuration of the frequency of the key clock signals that drive the hardware and software processes on 
the controllers; PMAC-style Servo ICs do not. 
Unlike the older non-Turbo PMACs, it is possible to mix PMAC-style and PMAC2-style Servo ICs in a 
single Turbo PMAC system.  The Turbo PMAC CPU will automatically recognize which types of ICs are 
present, and configure the setup I-variables appropriately. 
In this documentation, Turbo PMAC refers generically to both Turbo PMAC and Turbo PMAC2 
controllers.  Turbo PMAC and Turbo PMAC2 refer specifically to one type of controller.  If a specific 
product name (e.g. Turbo PMAC-PC) does not specify 1 or 2, it is a PMAC controller. 
Turbo PMAC is a Computer 
It is important to realize that Turbo PMAC is a full computer in its own right, capable of standalone 
operation with its own stored programs.  Furthermore, it is a real-time, multitasking computer that can 
prioritize tasks and have the higher priority tasks pre-empt those of lower priority (most personal 
computers are not capable of this). 
Even when used with a host computer, the communications should be thought of as those from one 
computer to another, not as computer to peripheral.  In these applications, Turbo PMAC’s ability to run 
multiple tasks simultaneously, properly prioritized, can take a tremendous burden off the host computer 
(and its programmer), both in terms of processor time, and of task-switching complexity.