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Turbo PMAC User Manual 
Basic Motor Setup 
PFM Pulse Width: I7m04, I6804, MI904, MI908 
I7m04 controls the pulse width for the axis-interface channels on Turbo PMAC PMAC2-style Servo IC 
m; I6804 does so for supplementary channels on the handwheel port.  MI904, MI908, and MI994 set this 
for channels on a MACRO Station.  The pulse width is specified in PFMCLK cycles; the range is 1 to 255 
The minimum gap between pulses is equal to the pulse width, so the minimum pulse cycle period is twice 
the pulse width set here.  This sets a maximum frequency of the PFM output.  If the algorithm asks for a 
higher frequency, Turbo PMAC will not produce the requested frequency, and pulses will be skipped. 
Output Mode Control: I7mn6, MI916 
I7mn6 controls what types of signals are brought out from Servo IC m Channel n’s A, B, & C command 
registers; it must be set to 2 or 3 to use the PFM signals from the C register.  Node-specific variable 
MI916 controls this for a MACRO Station channel. 
Output Inversion Control: I7mn7, MI917 
I7mn7 controls whether the pulse signals are inverted or not.  A value of 0 or 1 means the C pulse is high-
true; a value of 2 or 3 means that it is low true.  Node-specific variable MI917 controls this for a MACRO 
Station channel. 
PFM Direction Inversion Control: I7mn8, MI918 
I7mn8 controls the polarity of the PFM direction signal alone (it does not affect the pulse signal).  A 
value of 0 means positive direction is low; a value of 1 means the negative direction is low.  Node-
specific variable MI918 controls this for a MACRO Station channel. 
Encoder Decode Control: I7mn0, MI910 
I7mn0 controls the source of the position feedback signal and how it is decoded.  Node-specific variable 
MI910 controls this for a MACRO Station channel.  Values of 0 to 7 set up for an external signal wired 
into PMAC, with the different values in this range determining how the signal is decoded.  One of these 
values should be used if there is a real feedback sensor; typically 3 or 7 for times-4 decode of a quadrature 
encoder signal.   
A value of 8 selects the internally generated PFM signal, and automatically selects the pulse-and-direction 
decode for the signal.  Note that no external cable is required to feed back the PFM signal.  If the pulse 
train is modified externally to the Turbo PMAC to meet the limitations of a particular stepper drive, 
I7mn0 must be set to 0 or 4 to accept this external pulse-and-direction signal.  If there has been no net 
inversion of the direction signal, I7mn0 will be set to 0.   
For an external feedback signal, the correct setting of I7mn0 should cause the encoder counter to count up 
in the direction you desire.  It also must match the direction sense of the output; a positive command 
value (for instance, with the O10 command) must cause the counter to count up, and a negative command 
value (e.g. O-10) must cause the counter to count down.  Invert the direction sense of the output with 
I7mn8, or by changing the wiring. 
Parameters to Set up Basic Motor Operation 
Several motor I-variables must be set up properly to use the PFM signals properly.  Most of these are 
address registers.  Typically motor #1 will use the circuits for axis interface 1, and so on, but this is not 
absolutely required. 
Activation and Mode: Ixx00, Ixx01 
Ixx00 must be 1 to activate the software for the motor, and Ixx01 must be 0 to tell Turbo PMAC not to do 
the commutation.  (The drive does the commutation in this mode.)