Инструкции По Установке для Lynx L30R1LP

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If the burner stays lit only while holding the
safety button, it may be adjusted (after it has
cooled) as shown.
Match Lighting: 
If burners will not light after several attempts, the burners can be match lit.
If you’ve just attempted to light the burner with the igniter, allow 5 minutes for any accumulated
gas to dissipate.
Grill Burners: Make sure all knobs are in the OFF position. Keep your face as far away from
the grill as possible. With the Lid open, pass a lit, long stemmed match to the ports of the burn-
er. Push and turn the corresponding control knob of the
burner to “Lite”. If the burner does not light in 4 seconds,
turn the knob off and wait 5 minutes before attempting
Match Lighting
Grill Burner
Burner Ports
Rotis Burner: Make sure all knobs are in
the OFF position. 
With the Lid open pass a
lit, long stemmed match to the burner tiles of
the Infra-Red burner. Push and turn the Rotis
control knob to “Lite” then press and hold the
safety valve button. If the burner does not
light in 4 seconds, turn the knob off and wait
5 minutes before attempting again.
Rotis Burner
Burner Tiles
Keep end 
close to tiles
Keep cool 
Rev. 04/2005