Инструкции По Установке для Ilve UM906MPRBX

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•  Installation must conform with local codes or in absence of codes, the National Fuel Gas Code ANSIZ223.1-latest 
edition. Electrical installation must be in accordance with the National Electrical Code, ANIS/NFPA70 – latest 
edition and/or local codes. IN CANADA: Installation must be in accordance with the current CAN/CGA-B149.1 
National Gas
•  Installation Code or CAN/CGA-B 149.2, Propane. Installation Code and/or local codes. Electrical installation must 
be in accordance with the current CSA C22.1 Canadian Electrical Codes Part 1 and/or local codes.
•  Installation of any gas –fi red equipment should be made by a licensed plumber. A manual gas shut-off valve must 
be installed in the gas supply line ahead of the oven in the gas stream for safety and ease of service.
•  In Massachusetts: All gas products must be installed by a “Massachusetts” licensed plumber or gasfi tter. A “T” 
handle type manual gas valve must be installed in the gas supply line to this appliance.
•  The manufacturer will not be responsible for any damage to property or to persons caused by incorrect installation 
or improper use of the appliance.
•  The manufactured reserves the right to make changes to its  products when considered necessary and useful, 
without affecting the essential safety and operating characteristics.
•  This appliance has been designed for non-professional, domestic use only. 
•  This appliance must be used only for the purposes for which it was intended. Any other use is incorrect and 
therefore dangerous.
•  Possible hazards or injuries which may result from the misuse of appliance doors or drawers such as stepping, 
leaning or sitting on the doors or drawers.
•  Possible hazards may result from using this appliance for storage space.
I M P O RTA N T   -   P L E A S E   R E A D   A N D   F O L L OW
• Before beginning, please read these instructions 
completely and carefully.
•  Do not remove permanently affi xed labels, warnings, or 
plates from the product. This may void the warranty.
•  Please observe all local and national codes and 
•  Please ensure that this product is properly grounded.
• The installer should leave these instructions with the 
consumer who should retain for local inspector’s use and 
for future reference.
NEVER use this appliance as a space heater to heat 
or warm the room. Doing so may result in carbon 
monoxide poisoning and overheating of the oven.