Инструкции Пользователя для Electrolux E30MC75PPS

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Getting Started
Changing settings
Software controls the micro and lower ovens 
so that both may be set to operate at the same 
time with unique settings. It is very important to 
understand that before setting or modifying either 
oven, you must first
select which oven you desire 
to set or modify. The display will provide which 
oven is currently 
selected for setting/changes 
by displaying a small red triangle indicator next 
to the micro or lower oven text.If the micro oven 
text symbol displays the red triangle indicator 
but you wish to set or change the settings for the 
lower oven, press 
 once to change the oven 
selection -Fig.1-. Then make the  setting/changes. 
You may toggle between either oven and make 
setting changes at any time except when you are 
currently setting a cooking mode.
Sleep mode
Your control will remain in a sleep mode when not 
in use, unless there is a hot element -Fig.2-. Only
the clock will display during this mode. You will 
need to wake the control to begin any function.
Awake mode
To awake the control touch within the display panel 
-Fig. 3-. If the control panel is not touched again 
within 2 minutes, the control will return to the sleep 
mode. To start cooking you must select either the 
micro oven or the lower oven. User preferences 
will be available during this mode as well as timers, 
oven light and the control lock.
Display modes
Sleep mode            Fig.2
Awake mode            Fig.3