Справочник Пользователя для Sierra Wireless DART 300

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User’s Guide 
Advanced Features 
2110212 Rev 1.0 
Page 59 
At any time AT command access is available the following methods can be used to determine 
registration status.  If automatic registration is used, you can query for registration status at any 
time.  If manual registration is used, the command to register must complete before another AT 
command can be issued. 
+WS56? (Network Registration Status) 
This register reports 0 if not registered and 1 when registered.  This reports the modem 
state regardless of the setting in NEI table indices. 
+WS201? (Registration Result Code) 
When successfully registered, this command will report 0.  Otherwise a code indicating 
the current registration process step or reason for failure to register on the most recent 
attempt is presented.  If automatic registration fails, this value will continually change as 
the modem goes through the multiple steps involved in registration.  Failure codes will 
only be present for a short period while the modem scans for another channel.  To view 
the failure codes, enter the query AT+WS201?, then repeatedly enter A/ (without the 
AT) until the negotiation codes are done and the failure code is displayed.  Consult the 
AT Command Reference section for a complete list of codes. 
If the value reported is 254, the modem is no longer attempting to register automatically 
regardless of the setting in the mode register +WS173
The response to this command includes an asterisk beside the auto-register entry and also 
includes the word No beside entries not registered and Registered beside a currently 
registered entry. 
+WPRSSI (RSSI and Channel State) 
This command reports four data items: signal strength, channel state, registration state, 
and channel number.  The third element indicates registration status (0 – no, 1 – yes) of 
the NEI pointed to by the Current NEI Index (+WS197).  Note that this may not be 
pointing to an NEI that is in fact registered on the network, and therefore report a false 
status.  For this reason, this method is not considered a reliable indicator. De-registration 
The modem will de-register on any of several events. 
Regardless of registration mode, the modem will de-register if: 
•  The De-register command (+WPDEREG) is issued for the registered NEI. 
•  The registered NEI is overwritten with a new value using +WPNEI=ip
•  Commanded to hang-up and de-register with H1
Note that the +WPDEREG command will reference the NEI indexed by register 
+WS197 (Active NEI Index).  It is possible that this register has been changed (by command) 
after an NEI was registered and no longer points to the registered entry; in which case, the 
registered NEI remains registered and no action is taken by the modem.  The Active NEI Index 
must point to the registered address for this command to work. 
Note also that if auto-registration is enabled, the +WPDEREG command will halt the auto-
registration process until the modem is reset or the value of +WS173 is reset to 1.  Consult the 
AT Command Reference section below for details on this. 
If the modem is in automatic registration mode it will also de-register if: 
•  The registration method is changed to manual (+WS173=0). 
If the modem is in automatic registration mode it will de-register and then re-register if: 
•  The value of the Auto-register NEI Index (+WS176) is changed. 
•  The registered NEI is overwritten with a new value using +WPNEI=ip