Инструкция для Sony Viao PictureBook Computer

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  VAIO® Computer User Guide
Conserving battery power
When using the computer with a battery, the LCD display and the hard disk drive 
can be set to switch off automatically to conserve battery power.
Puts the system into Standby mode, a power management state that 
saves the state of the system and peripheral devices in memory 
(RAM). Power consumption reduces to a minimum, and the system 
remains on. To return the system to the active state, press any key or 
the power button on your computer.
Provides for the lowest level of power consumption. The system 
writes the state of the system and peripheral devices to the hard disk 
drive and turns off the system power. To return the system to the 
original state, use the power button to turn on power. The system 
saves the data in the Save to Disk Partition on the hard disk drive.
LCD (Video) Standby
Turns off the video display to save power. If you turn off the Video 
Standby timer, the display remains active except when the system 
enters Standby mode. The video display system is one of the largest 
consumers of power in the system.