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 Chapter 17 Quality of Service (QoS)
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide
17.2  Command Examples
This example configures QoS at the interface level. It does the following.
Turns on QoS on the ZyXEL Device.
Enable auto priority mapping on the WLAN interface.
Sets the ZyXEL Device to assign priority to unmatched traffic based on the IEEE 802.1p 
priority level, IP precedence and packet length on the WLAN interface.
qos policy <interface> <class-
number> [clear] [dscp <same|auto> 
| dscp mark <dscp>] [vlan 
<same|auto|remove> | vlan 
<mark|add> <vlan-id> <priority>] 
[route rn <remote-node-number> | 
route gw <gateway-ip>] [policer 
Sets a QoS policy for the specified interface and class.
qos priq <interface
Turns on or off the auto priority mapping on the specified interface.
qos priq <interface> mon
Displays the specified QoS packet statistics. Enter this command 
again to stop it.
qos priq <interface> set <0|1> 
<0|1> <0|1>
Sets whether the ZyXEL Device assigns priority to unmatched traffic 
based on the IEEE 802.1p priority level, IP precedence and/or 
packet length.
qos priq <interface> show
Displays auto priority mapping settings on the specified interface.
qos queue <index
Disables or enables the specified queue.
: Enters the index number (from 1 to 24) of the QoS queue.
qos queue <index> reset inerface 
<lan|wlan|wan> [drop <dt|red>] 
[priority <priority>] [weight 
<weight>] [rate <rate kbps>] 
[size <burst-size bytes>] [redt 
<red threshold (%)>] [redp <red 
percentage (%)>]
Changes the specified queue settings.
qos queue <index> show
Displays the specified queue settings.
qos queue show
Displays all queue settings.
qos show class <interface
Displays QoS class settings for the specified class in the specified 
qos show filter <interface>
Displays filter settings for the specified interface. 
qos tbr <interface
Disables or enable TBR (Token Bucket Regulator) in the specified 
qos tbr <interface> set 
<bandwidth> [<size>]
Changes the specified interface’s TBR settings.
: Sets the bandiwdth (in kbps) from 1 to 100M.
: Sets the burst size (in bytes) from 0 to 100kB.
qos tbr <interface> show
Displays Token Bucket Regulator settings for the specified interface.
Table 41   QoS Commands (continued)