Справочник Пользователя для Garmin 130

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 130 Owner’s Manual
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Finding an Exit
You can use the Find Exit option to locate a nearby exit 
on an interstate highway. Exits are listed only by Nearest. 
Exit information pages provide a variety of information 
about services near each exit, such as rest stops, lodging, 
restaurants, and service stations. Some services such 
as service stations on this page can be selected and 
a separate information page displays with specific 
information concerning what types of fuel, mechanical, 
and food services are available.
To find an exit:
1.  Use the 
Thumb Stick to highlight Exits and then 
press it In to display the Exit List. 
2.  Highlight and select an exit type by pressing the 
Thumb Stick In.
3.  A list of exits nearest to you displays. The title box 
indicates the interstate highway that is served 
by the exits. Two fields at the bottom of the page 
indicate distance and bearing to the exit. Scroll 
through the list to highlight the desired exit.
4.  Press the 
Thumb Stick In to display the 
Information Page for that exit. This page contains 
the exit description with a list of available services 
near that exit along with the distance and bearing 
5.  Use the 
Thumb Stick to move to the list of 
services and highlight a selection from the list. 
6.  Press the 
Thumb Stick In to display the 
Information Page for the selected service.
  The Exit Services Information Page displays the 
name of the service, its direction from the exit, and 
a list of the services available, each marked by a 
  At the bottom of these Information Pages are on-
screen buttons for 
GotoMap, and OK.
7.  Press the 
Option Menu button   to access 
additional features. You can select: Send Location 
(to other Rino users), Project Waypoint, Save as 
a Waypoint, Set Proximity (alarm), Add to Route, 
View Sun & Moon (reports for that waypoint), or 
View Hunt & Fish (reports for that waypoint).