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Network > Network Monitor
SonicOS 5.8.1 Administrator Guide
same interface within the Response Timeout time window. When a SYN/ACK is 
received, a RST is sent to close the connection. If a RST is received, no response is 
Ping (ICMP) - Explicit Route - This probe bypasses the route table and uses the 
source IP address of the interface specified in the Outbound Interface pulldown menu 
to send a Ping to the targets. If a Next Hop Gateway is not specified, the probe assumes 
that the targets are directly connected to the Outbound Interface's network.
TCP - Explicit Route - This probe bypasses the route table and uses the source IP 
address of the interface specified in the Outbound Interface pulldown menu to send a 
TCP SYN packet to the targets. If a Next Hop Gateway is not specified, the probe 
assumes that the targets are directly connected to the Outbound Interface's network. 
When a SYN/ACK is received, a RST is sent to close the connection. If a RST is 
received, no response is returned.
Next Hop Gateway - Manually specifies the next hop that is used from the outbound 
interface to reach the probe target. This option must be configured for Explicit Route 
policies. For non-Explicit Route policies, the probe uses the appliance’s route table to 
determine the egress interface to reach the probe target.If a Next Hop Gateway is not 
specified, the probe assumes that the targets are directly connected to the Outbound 
Interface's network.
Outbound Interface - Manually specifies which interface is used to send the probe. This 
option must be configured for Explicit Route policies. For non-Explicit Route policies, the 
probe uses the appliance’s route table to determine the egress interface to reach the probe 
Port - Specifies the destination port of target hosts for TCP probes. A port is not specified 
for Ping probes.
Step 3
Optionally, you can adjust the following thresholds for the probes:
Probe hosts every - The number of seconds between each probe. This number cannot be 
less than the Reply time out field.
Reply time out - The number of seconds the Network Monitor waits for a response for each 
individual probe before a missed-probe will be counted for the specific probe target. The 
Reply time out cannot exceed the Probe hosts every field.
Probe state is set to DOWN after - The number of consecutive missed probes that triggers 
a host state transition to DOWN.
Probe state is set to UP after - The number of consecutive successful probes that triggers 
a host state transition to UP.
All Hosts Must Respond - Selecting this checkbox specifies that all of the probe target 
Host States must be UP before the Policy State can transition to UP. If not checked, the 
Policy State is set to UP when any of the Host States are UP.
Step 4
Optionally, you can enter a descriptive comment about the policy in the Comment field.
Step 5
Click Add to submit the Network Monitor policy.
Configuring Probe-Enabled Policy Based Routing
When configuring a static route, you can optionally configure a Network Monitor policy for the 
route. When a Network Monitor policy is used, the static route is dynamically disabled or 
enabled, based on the state of the probe for the policy. For more information, see