Canon xha1 用户手册

页码 164
Recording in the Aperture-Priority (Av) Mode
You can select an aperture value in the range F1.6 to F9.5 or CLOSE.
1. Set the 
 dial to Av.
2. Select the aperture with the Iris ring.
With the customized functions (
83) you can change the direction of the adjustment when you turn the 
Iris ring.
 Settings other than the aperture value (shutter speed, etc.) are adjusted automatically.
 The aperture changes when you lock and change the exposure.
 When the AGC switch is set to ON, the numeric value flashes on the screen when the selected 
aperture is not appropriate for the recording condition. In such case, readjust the aperture.
 When the built-in ND filter is activated, the picture may become dark when you set a high aperture 
value. In such case, turn the ND Filter off first and readjust the aperture.
Iris ring