Kodak Digital Photo Frame 用户手册

页码 89
Setting up Web content
Adding Web feeds
Set up your frame to view RSS (Really Simple Syndication) photo feeds directly from 
FLICKR, FRAMECHANNEL, and other favorite sites.
IMPORTANT:  Your frame can play only feeds that contain photos. An error message 
appears when you try to play feeds that are text only. Make sure you 
preview your feeds after they are added to the Device Settings page. You 
can edit or delete them there. See 
NOTE:  Preloaded and new feeds are added to the feeds list under the sites’ tabs on the Device Settings 
Web page, where you can preview, edit, or delete them, see 
. They appear also in the Web 
media list on your frame’s Home screen where you can play them, see 
How to add a FLICKR feed
Follow the steps on 
 to access the Device Settings Web page.
If you don’t have a FLICKR account, create one now (see 
Click the Photo RSS tab.
The Photo RSS/FLICKR page appears with a list of preloaded FLICKR feeds that are on 
your frame.
Click Add.