Teledyne T100 用户手册

页码 422
Principles of Operation 
Teledyne API - T100 UV Fluorescence SO2 Analyzer  
The motherboard is directly mounted to the rear panel and collects data, performs signal 
conditioning duties and routes incoming and outgoing signals between the CPU and the 
analyzer’s other major components. 
Concentration data of the T100 are generated by the Photo Multiplier Tube (PMT), 
which produces an analog current signal corresponding to the brightness of the 
fluorescence reaction in the sample chamber. This current signal is amplified to a DC 
voltage signal (front panel test parameter PMT) by a PMT preamplifier printed circuit 
assembly (located on top of the sensor housing). PMT is converted to digital data by a 
bi-polar, analog-to-digital converter, located on the motherboard. 
In addition to the PMT signal, a variety of sensors report the physical and operational 
status of the analyzer’s major components, again through the signal processing 
capabilities of the motherboard. These status reports are used as data for the SO
concentration calculation (e.g. pressure and temperature reading used by the 
temperature/pressure compensation feature) and as trigger events for certain warning 
messages and control commands issued by the CPU. They are stored in the CPU’s 
memory and, in most cases, can be viewed through the front panel display. 
The CPU communicates with the user and the outside world in a variety of ways: 
  Through the analyzer’s front panel LCD touch-screen interface  
  RS-232 and RS-485 serial I/O channels  
  Various analog voltage and current outputs  
  Several digital I/O channels 
  Ethernet 
Finally, the CPU issues commands (also over the I
C bus) to a series of relays and 
switches located on a separate printed circuit assembly, the relay board (located in the 
rear of the chassis on its own mounting bracket) to control the function of key 
electromechanical devices such as valves and heaters. 
06807C DCN6650