Panasonic AG-HPX600EJ 用户手册

页码 178
– 70 –
Chapter 4 Adjustments and Settings for Recording — Setting the time data
When the time code is externally locked, the time code is 
instantaneously locked to the external time code, the same value as 
the value of the external time code is output to the counter display 
area, and the [TC] display is inverted. Do not set to the recording 
mode for several seconds until the sync generator has stabilized.
Once the time code is slaved, the slave state* is maintained even 
if there are no longer inputs to the <TC IN/OUT> or <GENLOCK 
IN> terminal. However, the slave state is canceled in the following 
-  When [TC PRESET] has been performed
-  When the power is turned off
-  When [TC MODE] has been switched
-  When [TC_MD] has been set to [R-RUN] on the [SET01:TC/UB] 
screen of SmartUI
-  When [REC FORMAT] and [CAMERA MODE] have been switched
*  Slave function refers to locking of the time code to TC IN input 
and making the time code continue as it is even if the time code is 
Setting of user bits when the time code is externally locked
To externally lock user bits, set the [UB MODE] item on the setting menu [RECORDING SETUP] screen to [EXT].
The user bits are slaved to the user bit values input to the <TC IN/OUT> terminal regardless of [F-RUN]/[R-RUN].
For details, refer to “Setting the time data” (page 63), “User bits settings” (page 66).
Canceling the external lock
Stop supply of the external time code, and set the [UB MODE] item on the setting menu [RECORDING SETUP] screen to other than [EXT].
Cautions when switching the power supply from the battery to the external power supply while an external lock is 
To keep the time code generator power supply on continuously, connect an external power supply to the <DC IN> terminal and then remove the battery 
pack. If the battery pack is removed first, there is no guarantee that the time code will stay externally locked.
External synchronization of the camera unit while an external lock is active
While an external lock is active, the generator lock is activated on the camera unit by the reference video signal input to the <GENLOCK IN> terminal.
 tTo externally lock multiple units with the camera as the master device, set to the same setting as on the setting menu [CAMERA MODE] 
screen on the camera. Note that in a system using a mixture of interlaced and progressive scanning, the continuity of the video and time 
codes is not guaranteed.
 tWhen externally locking in the 24P, 24PA and 24PN (native) modes, be sure to input non-drop frame time codes. An external lock is not 
possible using drop frames. Also, images may be disrupted the instant that the external lock is activated, though this is due to alignment of 
the 5-frame cycle and is not a malfunction.
Supplying time codes to external devices
To supply the time code output according to the camera image or the playback image to a VTR or other recording devices, set the [TC IN/OUT SEL] 
item on the setting menu [IN/OUT SEL] screen to [TC OUT], and the [TC VIDEO SYNC] item to [VIDEO OUT].
Also, set the [GL PHASE] item on the setting menu [OTHER FUNCTIONS] screen to [HD SDI] or [COMPOSITE] according to the video output to be 
supplied, and set the [TC OUT] item on the [IN/OUT SEL] screen to [TCG/TCR].
VTR, etc.
Composite output
Time code output
Time code input
Video input
SDI input
HD SDI input
SDI output
 tWhen the [TC VIDEO SYNC] item is set to [VIDEO OUT], the input time code is output according to the delayed video output.