Mitel 5000 用户手册

页码 23
Mailbox Access
Mailbox Access
After you set up your mailbox (see page 2), you can access your voice mailbox from any phone 
by dialing the voice mail extension number.
To access your voice mailbox:
1. Dial the voice mail extension number. You hear the Main menu.
2. During or after the greeting, press 
 to identify yourself as a subscriber.
3. Enter your mailbox number.
4. Enter your mailbox passcode (if programmed), and then press #. If you do not have a 
passcode, press # to bypass the passcode prompt. See page 11 for information about 
programming your mailbox passcode.
Mailbox System Messages
When accessing your mailbox, you may hear one of the following system messages:
Mailbox almost full or full: If your mailbox is full, no new messages can be received until 
you delete waiting or saved messages.
Quota grace limit reached: If enabled, a mailbox can “overfill” beyond its normal capacity. 
When the quota grace limit is reached, this announcement is played.
Message count and type: The system announces the number of new and saved messag-
es. The system also informs you if the messages are priority messages. 
Remote Messaging: The system indicates if the Remote Messaging feature is enabled. 
See “Using Remote Messaging” on page 9. 
Contact your voice mail administrator for more information about these and other features.
Note: Press # to select an option or advance to the next step. Press 
 to cancel an 
option or return to the previous menu.