DSCover Satellite Products PC1555MX 用户手册

页码 52
Reporting codes can be one or two digits and can use HEX
digits (A through F). For a complete description of reporting
codes which can be programmed and lists of automatic Con-
tact ID and SIA format codes, please see Appendix A:
“Reporting Codes” on page 42.
NOTE: Do not use the digit C in a reporting code when using 
Pager Format. In most cases, the digit C will be interpreted as
a [#], which will terminate the page before it has finished.
Reporting Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Section [320] to [353]
Cross Zone Police Reporting Code
The  Cross Zone Police Code Alarm will be sent when two
different alarms occur during any armed-to-armed period.
When an alarm occurs while the panel is armed and a second
alarm occurs on a different zone during the same armed
period, or after the system is disarmed, this code will be sent.
All zone types contribute to this alarm. The cross zone police
code will be transmitted immediately unless either or both
zones have the Transmission Delay attribute enabled. If so,
the code will be delayed for the programmed transmission
delay time.
Cross Zone Police Code Alarm   . . . . . . . . . . . . Section [328]
Zone Restorals
If the Restoral on Bell Time-out option is selected, the panel
will send the Zone Restoral Reporting Code for the zone if
the bell cut-off time has expired and the zone is secured. If the
zone is not secured when the bell cut-off time expires, the
panel will send the restoral immediately once the zone is
secured, or when the system is disarmed. If the Restoral on
Bell Time-out option is not selected, the panel will immediately
send the Zone Restoral Reporting Code when the zone is
secured, regardless of whether or not the alarm output is
NOTE: 24 Hour type zones will report the restoral immediately 
when the zone is secured.
Restoral on Bell Time-out  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section [380]: [2]
Closings (Arming Codes)
If the Closing Confirmation option is enabled, once the exit
delay expires, the keypad will sound a series of eight beeps to
confirm to the user that the closing code was sent and
received by the central station.
Closing Confirmation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section [381]: [4]
Openings/Closings by Wireless Key
If you are using a PC5132 v3.0 or higher, wireless keys with
access codes may be identified when they are used to arm or
disarm the system: the panel will log and transmit opening or
closing by access code (the same as if an access code had
been used to arm/disarm the system). If wireless keys with no
access code are used, the event will be logged and transmit-
ted as opening or closing by keyswitch.   
The  Function Keys Require Code  option  must  be  selected
(section [015], option 4 OFF) in order for wireless keys to be
identified for arming. Disarming will always be logged by
access code, if one is programmed for the Key, regardless of
this option.
AC Failure Trouble Alarm Code
To prevent the panel from transmitting an AC Failure Trouble
 reporting code during short power outages, the panel
will not send the signal unless AC power is lost for the amount
of minutes programmed for the AC Failure Communication
Delay. The AC Failure Trouble Restoral reporting code follows
the AC failure communication delay as well.
NOTE: If AC Failure Communications Delay is programmed as 
“000,” then the AC failure transmission will be immediate.
AC Failure Communication Delay . . . . . . . . . . .  Section [370]
Wireless Maintenance
The panel will transmit a Wireless Device Low Battery Alarm
reporting code if a low battery condition is indicated by a
detector. The transmission of the trouble will be delayed by
the number of days programmed for Zone Low Battery
Transmission Delay
. The Wireless Device Low Battery Resto-
ral reporting code will be transmitted when the problem is cor-
rected. The specific zone that caused the trouble will be
recorded in the event buffer.
NOTE:  The restoral will not be transmitted until all detectors 
indicate good battery conditions.
Wireless Maintenance Reporting Codes  . . . . .  Section [353]
Wireless Device Battery Transmission Delay  . .  Section [370]
Arming and Activity Delinquency
When  Delinquency Follows Arming (Days) is selected, the
Delinquency reporting code is sent whenever the panel is not
armed within the number of days programmed for the Delin-
quency Transmission Cycle.
NOTE:  If the Delinquency Transmission Cycle is set for one 
day, there must be 24 hours of no arming or disarming before
the Delinquency Code will be sent. After a Delinquency Code
has been transmitted, it will not be sent again until the system
has been armed and disarmed.
When  Delinquency Follows Zone Activity (hours) is
enabled, if there is no activity on zones in the system, the
Delinquency Transmission Cycle Timer in Section [370] will
begin counting in hours. When the counter reaches the pro-
grammed time, the panel will communicate the Delinquency
reporting code to the central station, if programmed.  If there
is a closing or zone activity present on the system at any time,
the counter will be reset.
Activity Delinquency will not be reported while the 
panel is armed in Away mode.
NOTE: Activity on manually bypassed zones will not reset the
NOTE:  This timer is reset when the panel is armed, or if
Installer Programming is entered.
NOTE:  When using the SIA FSK communication format with
Activity Delinquency, the Closing Delinquency identifier is
Miscellaneous Maintenance Reporting Codes.  Section [351]
Delinquency Follows Zone Activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[380]: [8]
Delinquency Transmission Cycle  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [370]
Communicator – Reporting Formats
Each communication telephone number can be programmed
to report using any one of five formats available.  Two 20 BPS
pulse formats are supported, in addition to Contact ID, SIA
and Pager formats.