Macurco DVP-120 用户手册

页码 37
Revision 0.07 
31  Rising Trip Point 
Z  1    G  r  o  u  p    1        N O 2 
R  i  s  i  n  g  :        2  .  5  p  p m 
Figure 3-48 Rising Trip Point Entry 
The default rising trip points are: 
Carbon Monoxide  100   ppm 
Nitrogen Dioxide 
2.5 ppm 
2,000  ppm  Falling Trip Point 
Z  1    G  r  o  u  p    1        N O 2 
F  a  l  l  i  n  g  :      1  .  0  p  p m 
Figure 3-49 Falling Trip Point Entry 
The default falling trip points are: 
Carbon Monoxide 
50   ppm 
Nitrogen Dioxide 
1.2 ppm 
1,000  ppm  Multiple Sensor Mode 
Z  1    G  r  o  u  p    1        N O 2 
M o  d  e  :    2      V o  t  i  n  g   
Figure 3-50 Sensor Mode Selection 
When multiple sensors are being monitored by a group the output decision can be based on either voting, as 
shown here, or the average of all sensors in the group. Valid modes are: 
When the configuration is Average, the gas concentrations from all sensors in the group are averaged and if the 
average is greater than or equal to the rising trip point the zone outputs(s) are activated. When the average is 
less than or equal to the falling trip point the zone output(s) are de-activated. If the average is between the two 
trip points, the outputs remain in there previous state. 
When the configuration is Voting, the number of sensors in the group indicating a value greater than or equal to 
the rising trip point is counted. If the count is greater than or equal to the quorum then the zone output(s) are 
activated. If the count of sensors indicating less than or equal to the falling trip point is greater than or equal to 
the quorum the zone output(s) are de-activated. Activating the output(s) is given priority if a group has an equal 
number of sensors with gas readings 
 the rising trip point and sensors with readings 
 the falling trip point. Multiple Sensor Quorum 
Z  1    G  r  o  u  p    1        N O 2 
Q u  o  r  u m  :    _  2             
Figure 3-51 Quorum Entry 
It is up to the installer to ensure that the quorum entry is appropriate for the configuration. Valid entries are one 
to twelve, but a value greater than the number of sensors being monitored by the group, stops the group from 
controlling the outputs.