York YPAL 061 用户手册

页码 168
FORM 100.50-NOM6 (1207)
CO2 Sensor
The addition of a fi eld installed CO2 sensor is required 
for Demand Ventilation operation.  The default input 
span for the control is 0 to 2,000 ppm with an output 
voltage range of 0 to 10 VDC.  The fi eld will need to 
supply an external power supply for the sensor. This is in 
addition to the two wires connect to the unit.  The sensor 
connects to terminals (DV+) and (DV-) of terminal 
block P20 on the Simplicity control board.  The wiring 
to the sensor should be a twisted shield pair grounded 
on one end.
Occupied / Unoccupied Input
A contact closure input to terminal (OCC) of the P1 
terminal block on the Simplicity control board is 
provided for hard-wiring an external device such as a 
central time clock, a thermostat with scheduling, or a 
manual switch to switch the unit from Unoccupied to 
Occupied mode.
Note that 24 VAC terminal (R) on terminal block P1 
of the Simplicity control board must be used as the 24 
VAC source for the input to (OCC).  Use of any power 
source external to the controller will result in damage 
to the Unit Controller.
Shutdown Input
A jumper is installed between terminal “R” and “SD1” 
on the Simplicity control board.  To install a hard-wired 
shutdown circuit, remove the jumper between the two 
terminals and connect a switch between the terminals.  
The switch must be closed for operation and open for 
shutdown.  Opening the switch removes the 24 VAC 
power to the Unit Controller.
Note that 24 VAC terminal (R) on terminal block P1 
of the Simplicity control board must be used as the 24 
VAC source for the input to (SD).  Use of any power 
source external to the controller will result in damage 
to the Unit Controller.
Smoke Purge Input
A contact closure input (PURGE) is provided to place 
the unit in smoke purge mode.  When the contact is 
closed the unit will operate as follows:
•  Turn off all heating and cooling operation
•  Set the outdoor air damper output to 100%
•  Close the return to 0%
•  Turn the supply fan on
•  On VAV units set the supply fan output to 
•  Turn the power exhaust fan on
•  On VFD driven exhaust fans set the exhaust fan 
output to 100%
Note that 24 volts terminal (R) on the Simplicity 
control board must be used as the 24 Volt AC source for 
switch the contact to the Unit Controller Smoke Purge 
(PURGE) input.  Use of any power source external to the 
controller will result in damage to the Unit Controller.
BAS Economizer Input
The Simplicity control board has the capability to 
control the economizer damper through a 2 – 10 Volt 
DC input.  Refer to BAS Economizer Input information 
contained in Section 5 of the manual for additional 
information on the programming and operation of this 
The 2 to 10 VDC input connects to terminals  (BAS 
ECON +) and (BAS ECON –) at  terminal block P3 of 
the Simplicity control board
Fault Output
The Simplicity control board has the capability out 
sending a positive half wave 24 VAC output whenever 
an alarm is present.  It is capable of driving a 25 ma load.  
This is design to connect to a fault light on a commercial 
thermostat.  This output originates at terminal (X) at 
terminal block P1 on the Simplicity control board.