York YPAL 061 用户手册

页码 168
FORM 100.50-NOM6 (1207)
Static Pressure Control Plastic Tubing 
(Pneumatic Tubing)
Duct static transducers (all VAV units) and any unit with 
an op tion al building pressure control trans duc er,  require 
pneumatic tubing to be fi eld supplied and in stalled.  
Both the duct static transducer (VAV only) and optional 
building pressure transducer are mounted behind the 
right hand damper door.  All wiring from the trans duc ers 
is factory installed.
Duct Static Transducer
Plastic tubing (3/16" ID) must be run from the high 
pres sure tap of the trans duc er to a static pres sure tap 
(fi eld supplied) in the supply duct, located at a point 
where constant pres sure is de sired.  This is normally 
2/3rds of the way down the duct, before the fi rst take 
Building Pressure Transducer
Plastic tubing (3/16” ID) must be run from the high 
pressure tap of the building static pressure transducer 
to a static pressure tap (fi eld supplied), located in the 
conditioned space.  The tap should be placed in a 
location where over pressurization will cause a problem, 
for example, in the lobby area where excessive pressure 
will cause the doors to remain open.  The tap should 
never be placed above the ceiling.
Static Pressure Probe Installation
On units with duct static transducers (VAV units) and 
any unit with an optional building pressure, a factory 
supplied Static Pressure Probe must be fi eld installed at 
the top of the rear corner post on the unit - see Figure. 
The factory supplied atmospheric pressure probe and 
associated mounting hardware are shipped inside the 
unit control panel. The hard ware consists of a mount ing 
bracket and a short section of pneu mat ic  tubing.  The 
pneu mat ic tubing must be fi eld in stalled from a factory 
pressure tap (next to the mount ing lo ca tion  for  the 
static pres sure probe) to the at mo spher ic  pressure 
probe (see Installation Instructions, Form XXX.XX-
If the unit is equipped with both a building pressure 
trans duc er and a duct static trans duc er, a “tee” will 
be factory installed, and both the Duct Static Pres sure 
Transducer and building pres sure will be connected to 
the “tee” - both building stat ic pres sure trans duc er  and 
duct static trans duc er will use the same fac to ry  sup plied 
at mo spher ic  pres sure  probe.
The “low” side connection of the 
duct static or build ing pres sure trans-
 duc ers are shipped with the pneu mat ic 
tubing factory in stalled and rout ed, to 
the external factory pressure tap.