Roberts Radio RecordR 用户手册

页码 48
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Recording to SD/SDHC cards
Your RecordR radio has been designed to allow you to make recordings 
to SD/SDHC cards. You may record a current radio programme or you 
may use the timed record facility (see page 23).
It is possible to record onto SD/SDHC cards which already contain fi les 
written by the radio or using your computer. The recorded fi les will be 
added to those already present on the card.
Note: You must stop the recording before you can access other functions.  
If you attempt to use other functions on your radio while recording a warning 
message 'Hold RECORD to stop recording' will be displayed.
Recording a radio program
1.  Select the desired source for recording (DAB or FM radio). Set the 
volume to the required listening level (the volume of the recording will 
not be affected by this). 
2.  Insert the card on to which the recording is to be made (card label side 
facing towards you and gold contacts fi rst, see proceeding page).
3.  Press and hold the Record button. The display will show the record 
symbol  . Recording will then start with the recording source shown 
on the display. Record duration may be up to 23 hours and 59 minutes. 
Recording will stop if the SD/SDHC card becomes full.
4.  While a recording is in progress the Play / Pause button may be used 
to temporarily suspend recording. A second press of the Play / Pause 
button will resume recording.
5.  In order to stop the recording press and hold the Record button once 
more. Recording will stop and a fi le will have been written to the SD 
card. The recording will be stored and the display will show 'Saved'. 
Long recordings are split into fi les of just over 30 minutes duration to 
help protect recordings against power failure or accidental card removal. 
Recordings may also be split to accommodate DAB confi guration 
changes made by the broadcaster.
Recording fi les are named using the radio station name or frequency and 
the date and time at which the recording began. If the recording is split, 
then the subsequent parts of the recording are given a sequence number 
to allow the radio to play them as a set, as shown:
BBC R4,21-09-2011,12-15.mp2
Recordings may be played in the radio in SD card mode, or using media 
player programs on a computer (e.g. Windows Media Player).