Emerson Model 1700 用户手册

页码 350
Milliamp output problems and recommended actions
Table 10-6:   
Possible causes
Recommended actions
Consistently incorrect
mA measurement
Loop problem
Output not trimmed correctly
Incorrect flow measurement unit config-
Incorrect process variable configured
LRV and URV are not set correctly
Check the mA output trim. See 
Verify that the measurement units are con-
figured correctly for your application.
Verify the process variable assigned to the
mA output.
Check the settings of Upper Range Value and
Lower Range Value
mA output correct at
lower current, but in-
correct at higher cur-
mA loop resistance may be set too high
Verify that the mA output load resistance
is below maximum supported load (see
the installation manual for your transmit-
Frequency output problems
Frequency output problems and recommended actions
Table 10-7:   
Possible causes
Recommended actions
No frequency output
Stopped totalizer
Process condition below cutoff
Fault condition if fault action is set to in-
ternal zero or downscale
Slug flow
Flow in reverse direction from config-
ured flow direction parameter
Bad frequency receiving device
Output level not compatible with receiv-
ing device
Bad output circuit
Incorrect internal/external power con-
Incorrect pulse width configuration
Output not powered
Wiring problem
Verify that the process conditions are below
the low-flow cutoff. Reconfigure the low-flow
cutoff if necessary.
Check the Fault Action settings. See 
Verify that the totalizers are not stopped. A
stopped totalizer will cause the frequency
output to be locked.
Check for slug flow. See 
Check flow direction. See 
Verify that the receiving device, and the wir-
ing between the transmitter and the receiv-
ing device.
Verify that the channel is wired and config-
ured as a frequency output.
Verify the power configuration for the fre-
quency output (internal vs. external).
Consistently incorrect
frequency measure-
Output not scaled correctly
Incorrect flow measurement unit config-
Check the frequency output scaling. See 
Verify that the measurement units are con-
figured correctly for your application.
Erratic frequency out-
Radio frequency interference (RFI) from
Check for radio frequency interference. See 
Configuration and Use Manual