Bradford-White Corp U1TW50S*FRN 用户手册

页码 52
 Page 34 
Thermal Well Testing
Follow the procedure, below, if the water heater gas control has gone into a ECO lock-
out (4 flash, 3 second pause).  Reset the gas control by rotating the setpoint knob to 
the minimum setting for at least 6 seconds before returning to the desired water tem-
perature setting. 
Step 1. 
Unplug the thermal well connector from the gas 
Step 2. 
With a multi-meter set to the ohms setting, meas-
ure the resistance between the middle and right side wires. 
Step 3. 
With a multi-meter set to the ohms setting, meas-
ure the resistance between the middle and left side wires. 
Thermal Well Testing 
Do not use standard multi-meter probes for this testing.  Doing so will damage the connector.  Use special pin type 
electronic probes or small diameter wire pins inserted into connector. 
Thermal well connector