Polycom 3725-70003-009F 用户手册

页码 300
ReadiVoice Administration & Maintenance Guide
Proprietary & Confidential
Working with Translation Numbers 
translation number is the telephone network’s translation of the dialed 
telephone number into a number used to route the call: 
• For a routed PSTN system, your carrier provides a block or blocks of 
translation numbers. Depending on the translation number type (see 
 on page 118), your system 
may randomly choose a number from this block, or it may use a 
subscriber-specific fixed translation number. In either case: 
When someone dials a ReadiVoice access number, the originating 
switch queries the CACS, which determines who the subscriber is and 
returns a translation number (including prefix) to tell the telephone 
network how to route the call. 
When the switch routes the call to the bridge, it sends the translation 
number, with or without prefix, as DNIS (dialed number 
identification system) digits. 
The bridge sends the DNIS to the CACS, which uses the last n digits 
(where n is the Trans DNIS Length) to identify the conference. 
• For a non-routed system or an IP system, you must enter a block of 
dummy translation numbers. The number of digits must be the number 
specified on the Bridges page as Trans DNIS Length (see 
In either type of system, each conference requires one translation number for 
each different access number used to reach the conference (see 
The maximum number of conferences is always the number of ports divided 
by three. Therefore, the maximum number of translation numbers a bridge 
might need is the smaller of: 
• The number of access classes times one-third the number of ports. 
• The number of ports. 
 shows the results of this calculation for 480-port and 4032-port 
Table 2-1
Maximum number of translation numbers needed per bridge 
InnoVox 480 with 480 ports 
(max. 160 conferences) 
InnoVox 4000 with 4032 ports 
(max. 1344 conferences) 
Access classes 
Translation numbers 
Access classes 
Translation numbers 
1 160
1 1344 
2 320
2 2688 
3+ 480
3+ 4032