HP (Hewlett-Packard) C4381-90100 用户手册

页码 184
Publishing, Sharing and Archiving Cabinets to CD
Publishing, Sharing and Archiving 
Cabinets to CD
If you have a CD-R or CD-RW, you have the tool necessary to take a large 
cabinet with all of your custom documents just about anywhere. Because 
CD’s are very light and compact while providing a large medium for 
storage, they are the ideal mechanism for storing and sharing 
1. Create your custom file cabinet and fill it with the documents you want 
with any necessary annotations. 
It is important to verify the information before placing it on a CD because once 
there, the information will be read-only and cannot be altered in any way. You 
will not be able to add or delete documents, rename any of the contents, crop or 
annotate any of the pages. 
2. Select the Publish Cabinet icon from the toolbar in the cabinet window.
3. A dialog will appear asking you to select the location of the new cabinet 
as well as the cabinet name. 
4. You will also be given the option to include a cabinet viewer with the 
published CD. (This is particularly useful if you are going to be sharing 
the information with someone who may not own PaperMaster Live.)
5. Click on the Publish button.
Closing a Cabinet
1. Choose Close Cabinet from the cabinet window’s File menu.
This closes the cabinet including all of its drawers, folders and 
documents. If this is the only open cabinet, this operation will exit 
PaperMaster Live.