StorageTek 6 用户手册

页码 718
160   VM/HSC 6.0 System Programmer’s Guide
1st ed., 6/30/04 - 312579601
HSC Startup Job (ACS SLKJCL) 
Perform the steps in the following procedure to create the job file to be used to start the 
library subsystem. It is later invoked in an AUTOJOB statement in the ACS SYSPROF 
 1. Log on to MAINTSTK. 
 2. Issue the command: 
 3. When XEDIT displays the file, modify it as desired. 
a. If the PARMLIB data set is shared with other hosts, specify the data set 
information and delete the remaining lines. or 
b.  If PARMLIB statements and commands are to be specified in the startup 
SLKJCL file, delete the first /FILE SLSSYSxx statement. Then do the 
 1. Verify that the CDSDEF statement contains DSNx, VOLx, and UNITx 
values for each control data set you want to define. 
 2. Verify that the JRNDEF statement contains DSNx, VOLx, and UNITx 
values for each journal data set you want to define. 
 3. Delete any statements that are not required. 
 4. Modify or delete the startup commands provided to satisfy your site 
requirements and add other commands as necessary. Refer to the HSC 
Operator’s Guide
 for explanations of commands. 
 4. File it to the 191 disk when the file appears as desired. 
 5. Rename the file (if desired). 
 6. Copy the file to the MAINTSTK ACS191-disk.