StorageTek 6 用户手册

页码 718
Chapter 6. Performance Considerations   415
1st ed., 6/30/04 - 312579601
If ejects and/or enters of large numbers of cartridges are frequent, you may want to set 
higher CAP preferences for enhanced CAPs. 
Refer to the HSC Operator’s Guide for information about the CAPPref command. 
Use SMF Records to Collect Performance Data 
Library performance data can be accumulated from SMF records. The SMF operand of the 
SLILIBRY macro for LIBGEN or the SMF parameter of the HSC SET utility determines 
the SMF record type written by the HSC. The SCP SET PERFLOG command is used to 
enable or disable recording of SMF data and to close the data file (and reopen if enabled). 
The command also allows specifying which SMF record subtypes are to be collected. 
Refer to the HSC Operator’s Guide for additional details. 
With SMF recording enabled, a record of various library activities is made for the 
specified record subtypes. Each library activity, such as each time the VIew command 
(optional subtype(8)) is used, each time a cartridge is entered or ejected, etc., is recorded 
as an SMF subtype record. 
The performance log data file that is created can be used to analyze library performance. 
Software analytical tools can be used to manipulate the data and create various 
performance statistics. 
Use PARMLIB to Define Static Parameters 
PARMLIB control statements can be specified to the HSC startup SLKJCL file. At HSC 
installation, the various performance criteria specified by the control statements are 
statically established. The systems programmer may specify these control statements to be 
executed when the HSC software is initialized. Most of the statically set parameters can be 
changed at any time after initialization by issuing an appropriate operator command. 
Table 28 summarizes the PARMLIB control statements with corresponding operator 
commands. Any of the PARMLIB control statements can be used to improve various 
performance aspects of library operation.
Table 28.  Performance Parameters Controlled by PARMLIB Control Statements
Performance Parameter
Control Statement
Operator Command
CAP Preference
Control Data Set Definition
Host-to-Host Communications Path
Control Message Prefix, Eid, Fid, and 