StorageTek 312564001 用户手册

页码 189
DB2 Manager User Guide 
A migrated row which has been retrieved from an Archive Manager database 
is presented back to the calling application on reference via SQL.   No 
indication is given to the application that the row has been retrieved from 
Archive Manager, and the contents of the row will be identical to those prior 
to migration of the row from DB2. 
The following factors will govern the length of time taken to access a 
migrated row stored in a tape-resident object in an Archive Manager 
-  The time taken to mount a tape. This is dependent on the automatic 
library robot accessor utilization rate. 
-  The time taken to locate an object on a tape once mounted. This will 
depend on the amount of data held per Archive Manager tape volume 
(user-controlled via Archive Manager database initialization 
-  Tape drive availability. Lack of tape drives will prevent immediate 
recall of objects from tape. 
DB2 Manager provides the following controls to optimize tape recall 
-  Specification of the maximum number of tape drives to be used by 
DB2 Manager for object retrieval.  These controls are similar to those 
provided by the online recall component of Archive Manager (ie) 
drives required by DB2 Manager for tape object retrieval will be 
dynamically allocated and released as required, up to the maximum 
specified in the DB2 Manager drive control parameters. 
-  Parameterized controls are provided to allow users to limit the length 
of queues of retrieval requests for any one specific tape volume. All 
requests subsequent to the first for a mounted tape will be satisfied by 
repositioning the tape. However, it may take up to 30 seconds to 
reposition a tape; in order to provide a control over the length of time 
taken to retrieve any one object, a limit may be placed on the number 
of requests queued for an active tape. 
If insufficient resources are available to satisfy an object retrieval request, 
DB2 Manager will reject the request with the appropriate SQL error and 
reason codes, or may optionally queue the request internally until sufficient 
resources become available or until a customer-specified time interval has 
The above controls are specified using the DB2 Manager parameter library, 
and are processed during control region initialization.  They may be 
dynamically adjusted during DB2 Manager operation via control region 
command processing. 
Update of migrated rows 
If an application updates a migrated row after retrieval from an Archive 
Manager database, the migrated copy of the row will be invalidated and the