Motorola DSP96002 用户手册

页码 897
10 - 3
Debug Serial Output (DSO) 
The debug serial output provides the data contained in one of the OnCE
 controller registers as specified
by the last command received from the external command controller. When idle, this pin is held high. When
the requested data is available, the DSO line will be asserted (negative true logic) for two T cycles (2T =
period of DSP96002 master clock) to indicate that the serial shift registers are ready to receive clocks in
order to deliver the data. When a trace or breakpoint occurs this line will be asserted for one T cycle to
indicate (acknowledge) that the chip has entered the debug mode and is waiting for commands. Data is
always shifted out the OnCE
 serial port most significant bit (MSB) first. During hardware reset, this pin is
held high.
Debug Enable Input (
The debug request input provides a means of entering the debug mode of operation from the external com-
mand controller. This pin, when asserted, causes the DSP96002 to finish the current instruction being exe-
cuted, save the instruction pipeline information, enter the debug mode, and wait for commands to be en-
tered from the debug serial input line. 
The OnCE
 Controller and Serial Interface contains the following blocks: input shift register, bit counter,
 decoder, and the status/control register. Figure 10-2 illustrates a block diagram of the OnCE
rial interface.
 Input Shift Register (OISR)
The OnCE
 Input Shift Register is an 8-bit shift register that receives the serial data from the DSI line. The
data is clocked into the register on the falling edge of the clock applied to the DSCK pin. After the 8th bit is
received, the OISR will stop shifting in new data. The latched data will be used as input for the OnCE
coder. The data is always shifted into the OISR most significant bit (MSB) first. 
 Bit Counter (OBC) 
The OnCE
 Bit Counter is a 5-bit counter associated with shifting in and out the data bits. The OBC is in-
cremented by the falling edges of the DSCK. The OBC is cleared during hardware reset and whenever the
DSP96002 acknowledges that the Debug Mode has been entered. The OBC supplies two signals to the
 Decoder: one indicating that the first 8 bits were shifted-in (so a new command is available) and
the second indicating that 32 bits were shifted-in (the data associated with that command is available) or
that 32 bits were shifted-out (the data required by a read command was shifted out). 
 Decoder (ODEC) 
The OnCE
 Decoder supervises the entire OnCE
 activity. It receives as input the 8-bit command from the
OISR, two signals from OBC (one indicating that 8 bits have been received and the other that 32 bits have