Classe Audio SSP-800 用户手册

页码 68
voltage protection
  e SSP-800 Surround Sound Processor contains protection features that 
prevent the processor from operating at dangerously high or low voltages. Th
features are incorporated to help protect the processor from dangerous power 
surges and other power irregularities that could cause extensive damage to the 
processor. Th
  is circuitry guards against the following irregular supplied power 
•  Startup Voltage: If the AC mains voltage is NOT within a range of 
approximately –15% to +10% of its nominal value at startup, the 
SSP-800 does not turn on. For example, a 120V AC service generally 
requires the AC mains voltage to be no lower than 95V and no 
higher than 135V in order for the processor to turn on and operate 
•  Over-voltage Condition during Operation: If the AC mains voltage 
surges by roughly 10% or more during operation, the Surround 
Sound Processor enters a protection mode and shuts down. Th
Standby LED fl ashes to indicate that the protection mode has been 
engaged. An error message also displays on the LCD touch screen.
•  Under-voltage Condition during Operation: If the AC mains voltage 
sags by 15% or more, the Surround Sound Processor does continue 
to play since the voltage irregularity won’t harm the processor, but 
the sound quality may be degraded due to the compromised power 
conditions. Th
  e Standby LED fl ashes to indicate an irregular power 
condition exists.
In such cases, normal operation can only resume when the following conditions 
are met:
• Th
  e irregularity in the power input is no longer present.
• Th
  e SSP-800 is power cycled, to clear the protection mode.
Refer to the Troubleshooting
 section found later in this manual for more 