VIVOTEK FE8181 用户手册

页码 240
User's Manual - 31  
Using RTSP Players
To view the H.264/MPEG-4 streaming media using RTSP players, you can use one of the 
following players that support RTSP streaming.
          Quick Time Player 
          VLC Player 
As most ISPs and players only allow RTSP streaming through port number 554, please set the 
For example: 
4. The live video will be displayed in your player. For more information on how to configure the 
The RTSP players will show the original circular-shape image. You can access the Regional 
views via the ST7501 or VAST software. See page 88 for an example. 
1. Launch the RTSP player.
2. Choose File > Open URL. A URL dialog box will prompt.
3. The address format is rtsp://<ip address>:<rtsp port>/<RTSP streaming access name for 
stream1 to stream4>
Video 16:38:01 2011/03/25
Quick Time player only supports playback of 
H.264 stream, and not the MJPEG stream. 
In terms of audio codec, Quick Time only 
supports AAC. Since this camera supports 
G.711 codec, audio is not available on Quick 
VLC player supports H.264/MPEG-4/
MJPEG, and all audio codecs supported by 
VIVOTEK’s cameras.