Tapco Blend 16 用户手册

页码 28
Appendix C: Specifications 
Frequency Response
Mic Input to any Output (Trim at 0 dB):
+0, –1 dB, 
20 Hz to 20 kHz 
–3 dB,   
10 Hz to 80 kHz
THD and SMPTE IMD; 20Hz to 20kHz
Mic Input to Main Output: 
< 0.005% 
@ +4 dBu output
20 Hz to 20 kHz BW (150 Ω source impedance)
Equivalent Input Noise (EIN): 
–128 dBu
Residual Output Noise: 
   Channel and Main Mix levels off 
   Main, Ctrl Room, Phones: 
–102 dBu
   Aux 1 Monitor out   
–82 dBu
   Aux 2 EFX out 
–92 dBu
Common Mode Rejection Ratio 
Mic In:  
60 dB @ 1 kHz   
Gain @ maximum
Adjacent Inputs or Input to Output: 
–85 dB @ 1 kHz
Input Gain Control Range
Mic In:  
+3 dB to +50 dB 
Line In: 
 –22 dB to + 25 dB
Phantom Power
+48 VDC
Mono Channel EQ: 
±15 dB @ 12 kHz 
±15 dB 100 Hz–8 kHz
±15 dB @ 80 Hz
Stereo Channel EQ: 
±15 dB @ 12 kHz
±15 dB @ 2.5 kHz 
±15 dB @ 80 Hz
Mixer Rated Output
Main, Aux, Control Room: 
  +4 dBu
Maximum Rated Output: 
+18 dBu
Maximum Input Levels
Mic Input: 
+18 dBu, 
Gain @ +3 dB 
Inst Input: 
+18 dBu, 
Gain @ –22 dB 
Stereo Line Input, Tape Input, and Aux Return:     
+18 dBu
Maximum Voltage Gain
Mic Input to: 
   Main Output: 
74 dB 
   Tape Output: 
74 dB 
   Aux Sends:   
74 dB
   Control Room Output: 
84 dB
   Phones Output: 
84 dB
Inst Input to:  
   Main Output: 
49 dB 
   Tape Output: 
49 dB 
   Aux Sends:   
49 dB
   Control Room Output: 
59 dB
   Phones Output: 
59 dB
Stereo Line Input to:  
   Main Output: 
20 dB 
   Tape Output: 
20 dB 
   Aux Send:   
20 dB
   Control Room Output: 
30 dB
   Phones Output: 
30 dB
Tape Input to:  
   Main Output: 
10 dB
   Tape Output: 
10 dB
   Control Room Output: 
10 dB
   Phones Output: 
10 dB
Aux Return to: 
   Main Output: 
20 dB
   Tape Output: 
20 dB
   Aux Send:   
20 dB
   Control Room Output: 
30 dB
   Phones Output: 
30 dB
Input Impedance
Mic Input: 
2.3 kΩ, balanced 
Inst Input: 
1 MΩ 
Stereo Line Input: 
20 kΩ, balanced 
Stereo Aux Returns: 
20 kΩ, balanced 
CD/Tape In:   
24 kΩ, unbalanced
Output Impedance
Main, Ctrl Room, Aux Sends: 
120 Ω
Tape Output:   
1 kΩ
Phones Output: 
25 Ω
Channel Level Set LED (Sensitivity)
0 dBu   
(normal operating  
VU Meters
Main Left and Right 
8 segments: 
–24, –12, –4, 0, +4, +8, +12, Clip (+16)
0 LED = 0 dBu
AC Power Requirements
Internal Universal Power Supply, standard IEC 
Voltage Range: 
        100 VAC to 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz