Roland KR7/5 用户手册

页码 200
Chapter 4 Recording and Saving the Performance
Chapter 4
Selecting the tone compatibility format (when saving to disks)
Touch <KR> or <MT>.
Some Tones are unique to the KR-7/5. Data that is recorded using these tones may 
not play back correctly on other Roland Digital Pianos or Music Players. When you 
want to save data so that it can be played back on another devices, save the data with 
“MT” set as the Tone compatibility format.
When data saved with “MT” as the Tone compatibility format is played back on this 
instrument, some of the nuances that were part of the performance at the time the 
data was recorded may be altered.
Even with data saved with “MT” as the Tone compatibility format, an exact 
reproduction of the original performance may be unobtainable when using GS 
devices other than Roland Pianos and Music Players.
Touch <Save> or <As SMF> to start saving.
The resulting file format will be different depending on whether <Save> or <As 
SMF> is chosen, as described below.
The time required for saving ranges from several seconds to half a minute or more.
Don’t take the floppy disk out of the disk drive until the saving process is finished.
Touch <Exit> to return to the Song File screen.
The song is saved as data capable of reproducing performances with 
richness of expression using the KR-7/5’s special Tones.
Data is saved in a form that can also be played on the Roland Digital 
Pianos or Music Players other than the KR-7/5.
You can listen to songs saved in this format on the Roland HP-G/R se-
ries and KR series keyboards as well as on Roland MT series devices.
Saves the song in KR-7/5 format. You can listen to songs saved in 
this format on the Roland HP-G/R series and KR series key-
boards as well as on Roland MT series devices. This format is 
called “i-format”.
Save As SMF
Saves the song as an SMF (Standard MIDI Files). Songs saved in 
this SMF format can be listened to on many instruments that can 
play SMF music files (p. 189). 
A song recorded using commercial music files can’t be saved in 
“Save As SMF” format for reasons of copyright protection.
You can only save songs in one 
format on a single floppy disk.
Never turn off the power 
while the saving operation is 
in progress. Doing so will 
damage the KR-7/5’s internal 
memory, making it unusable.
Depending on the playback 
instrument, some notes may 
drop out or sound different.
It’s a good idea to get into the 
habit of moving the write-
protect tab on the floppy disk 
to the “Protect” position when 
you’ve finished saving your 
data. Keeping the tab at 
“Protect” prevents operations 
that could erase your songs by 