Roland TD-6 用户手册

页码 160
Additional Precautions
• Please be aware that the contents of memory can be 
irretrievably lost as a result of a malfunction, or the 
improper operation of the unit. To protect yourself 
against the risk of loosing important data, we 
recommend that you periodically save a backup copy 
of important data you have stored in the unit’s memory 
in another MIDI device (e.g., a sequencer).
• Unfortunately, it may be impossible to restore the 
contents of data that was stored in the unit’s memory or 
another MIDI device (e.g., a sequencer) once it has been 
lost. Roland Corporation assumes no liability 
concerning such loss of data.
• Use a reasonable amount of care when using the unit’s 
buttons, sliders, or other controls; and when using its 
jacks and connectors. Rough handling can lead to 
• Never strike or apply strong pressure to the display.
• When connecting / disconnecting all cables, grasp the 
connector itself—never pull on the cable. This way you 
will avoid causing shorts, or damage to the cable’s 
internal elements.
• To avoid disturbing your neighbors, try to keep the 
unit’s volume at reasonable levels. You may prefer to 
use headphones, so you do not need to be concerned 
about those around you (especially when it is late at 
• Since sound vibrations can be transmitted through 
floors and walls to a greater degree than expected, take 
care not to allow such sound to become a nuisance to 
neighbors, especially at night and when using 
headphones. Although the drum pads and pedals are 
designed so there is a minimal amount of extraneous 
sound produced when they’re struck, rubber heads 
tend to produce louder sounds compared to mesh 
heads. You can effectively reduce much of the 
unwanted sound from the pads by switching to mesh 
• When you need to transport the unit, package it in the 
box (including padding) that it came in, if possible. 
Otherwise, you will need to use equivalent packaging 
• Use a cable from Roland to make the connection. If 
using some other make of connection cable, please note 
the following precautions.
• Some connection cables contain resistors. Do not use 
cables that incorporate resistors for connecting to 
this unit. The use of such cables can cause the sound 
level to be extremely low, or impossible to hear. For 
information on cable specifications, contact the 
manufacturer of the cable.