Roland HPi-7LE 业主指南

页码 84
Playing Along With A Song
Select a song
Press the [Song] button. In the screen, select the song that you want to play.
Play back
Press the [
(Play/stop)] button.
The button’s indicator will light.
The song will begin playing.
While the screen shows the 
 symbol, the song data is being loaded.
To adjust the tempo
Use the Tempo [Slow] [Fast] buttons to adjust the tempo.
The tempo is adjusted in terms of the value of a quarter note, with 10-500 being the permissible range. 
If you press the Tempo [Slow] [Fast] buttons simultaneously, you will return to the basic tempo of the 
song (the tempo before it was modified).
Muting (silencing) parts of the playback
You can mute the sound of specific playback parts, and play them yourself.
Press a track button to mute a specific track.
The indicators of the buttons you pressed will go dark, and the selected track will not be heard.
To cancel muting, press the same track button once again to make the indicator light.
When playing back SMF music files for Roland Piano Digital series instruments, and the [3/Left hand] button and 
[4/Right hand] button do not correctly control the left/right-hand performances, please change the “Track Assign” 
Stop the song
Press the [
(play/Stop)] button once again.
Playback will stop automatically when it reaches the end of the song.
Press the [
(Reset)] button to return to the beginning of the song.
Press [     ] [     ] to 
select the genre.
Selectable songs differ 
for each genre.
Song list
The selection will be 
highlighted in black.
Chords, fingerings, and lyrics in 
songs containing such data are 
displayed here.
Song name
The name of the currently selected song.
Select songs from disk.
For details refer to p. 46.
Registor to 
For details refer 
to p. 19.
Select a song
Select a genre
Audition the 
selected song
Back to score screen 17 ページ 2005年1月18日 火曜日 午後4時39分