Bostitch BTFP02006 用户手册

页码 64
 •  Touching exposed metal such as the
compressor head, engine head, engine 
exhaust or outlet tubes, can result in 
serious burns.
 •  Never touch any exposed metal parts on
compressor during or immediately after 
operation. Compressor will remain hot for 
several minutes after operation.
 •  Do not reach around protective shrouds or
attempt maintenance until unit has been 
allowed to cool.
 •  Moving parts such as the pulley,
flywheel and belt can cause serious 
injury if they come into contact with you 
or your clothing.
 •  Never operate the compressor with guards
or covers which are damaged or removed.
 •  Keep your hair, clothing and gloves away
from moving parts. Loose clothes, jewelry, or 
long hair can be caught in moving parts. 
 •  Air vents may cover moving parts and should
be avoided as well. 
 •  Attempting to operate compressor with
damaged or missing parts or attempting 
to repair compressor with protective 
shrouds removed can expose you to 
moving parts and can result in serious 
 •  Any repairs required on this product should
be performed by Bostitch service center.
•    Unsafe op er a tion of your air
compressor could lead to se ri ous in ju ry 
or death to you or others.
•  Review and understand all instructions and
warnings in this manual.
•  Be come fa mil iar with the op eration and con­
trols of the air compressor.
•  Keep operating area clear of all persons,
pets, and obstacles.
•  Keep chil dren away from the air compressor
at all times.
•  Do not operate the product when fatigued or
under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Stay 
alert at all times.
•  Never defeat the safety fea tures of this prod­
•  Equip area of operation with a fire
•  Do not op er ate machine with missing,
broken,  or  un au tho rized  parts.
•  Never stand on the compressor.