Sony 4-257-661-11(3) 用户手册

页码 139
Table of Contents
The screen is frozen.
 Reset the Reader by pressing the RESET hole. Then, slide 
the power switch to turn on the Reader again (
Touch operation is not effective.
 If condensation occurs in the touch screen, or dust 
attaches to the touch screen, it may cause a malfunction. 
For details, see “On Cleaning” (
 If any objects are placed on the touch screen, it may 
cause a malfunction. When not in use, leave the Reader in 
sleep mode, or shut it down.
Reading contents
A book cannot be read.
 If the book has an expiration date, confirm whether the 
book has already been expired (
A book that has been transferred from your computer cannot be read.
 Either the Reader, your computer, or both may not have 
been authorized by Reader Library, refer to Reader 
Library Help (
 You may have tried to read the content owned by another 
user. The content owned by another user may not have 
been authorized.
 The authorization data may have been damaged as a 
result of shutting down while reading a content. De-
authorize your computer and the Reader, then authorize 
again via Reader Library. Refer to Reader Library Help for 
further information.