Seagate ST3000DM00 用户手册

页码 44
Barracuda SATA Product Manual, Rev. D
The SATA host adapter contains a set of registers that shadow the contents of the traditional device registers, 
referred to as the Shadow Register Block. All SATA devices behave like Device 0 devices. For additional 
information about how SATA emulates parallel ATA, refer to the “Serial ATA International Organization: Serial ATA 
Revision 3.0”. The specification can be downloaded from
The host adapter may, optionally, emulate a master/slave environment to host software where two devices on 
separate SATA ports are represented to host software as a Device 0 (master) and Device 1 (slave) accessed at 
the same set of host bus addresses. A host adapter that emulates a master/slave environment manages two 
sets of shadow registers. This is not a typical SATA environment.