Seagate ST336854FC 用户手册

页码 98
Cheetah 15K.4 FC Product Manual, Rev. B
J6 connector requirements
Recommended mating connector part number: Berg receptacle, 6-position, Berg part number 690-006.
Drive orientation 
The drive may be mounted in any orientation. All drive performance characterizations, however, have been 
done with the drive in horizontal (discs level) and vertical (drive on its side) orientations, which are the two pre-
ferred mounting orientations.
The host enclosure must dissipate heat from the drive. You should confirm that the host enclosure is designed 
to ensure that the drive operates within the temperature measurement guidelines described in Section 6.4.1. In 
some cases, forced airflow may be required to keep temperatures at or below the temperatures specified in 
Section 6.4.1.
If forced air is necessary, possible air-flow patterns are shown in Figure 16. The air-flow patterns are created 
by fans either forcing or drawing air as shown in the illustrations. Conduction, convection, or other forced air-
flow patterns are acceptable as long as the temperature measurement guidelines of Section 6.4.1 are met.   
Figure 16. 
Air flow
Above unit
Under unit
Note.  Air flows in the direction shown (back to front)
           or in reverse direction (front to back)
Above unit
Under unit
Note.  Air flows in the direction shown or
           in reverse direction (side to side)